Says Coronavirus Cure Cannot 'Be Worse Than the Problem Itself'
The president, who has watched the economy plunge amid social distancing and total economic shutdowm/
Hope many innocent will not get infected and suffered due of consequences. It is indeed double sword edges. Many small business owners suffer because lost incomes, but many die if certain restrictions eased up.
Any thoughts going forward about your future Investments plannings, perhaps folks slowly start to ease in.
Perhaps he should start having rallies again.
Just saying.
Biden is smarter having 30 secs YouTube videos and rallies at home by himself
@rono Always the practical one.
Geez, he's so easy to troll. The media needs to keep stepping up and asking him questions he can't answer. Bait that SOB. He'll continue to lose it on national TV and keep revealing himself for what he is.
And that should be Biden's campaign (via surrogates, but of course) troll him. Keep throwing bait on the water. He can't help himself. Drive him more crazy than he is.
Watch out for the Trump-Virus.
and so it goes,
flatten the curve,
italy coming soon for us
this should be in conjunction w letting grandparents expire
This idiot forgets that viruses don't recognize ideology, capitalism, or personal political timetables.
Will this trillion $ QE package cure the root of this problem in order to bring back confidence to the investors and to sustain the markets? We will see...
Be very careful with this market. Again, watch to see what works and what doesn't. Peter Lynch school of investing 101. Be patient.
We'll get thru this and Trump but it might take a while and it's probably going to be very rough.
I'm still moving assets to Asia and to the metals, particularly silver. There are some appealing US firms but I'll wait for them to go on sale.
Peace and be careful