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Lipper: Investors Flee Emerging Markets Funds During The Third Quarter

FYI: Lipper’s Emerging Markets Funds peer group (including both mutual funds and ETFs) experienced net outflows of $1.1 billion for the fund-flows trading week ended Wednesday, August 28. This negative net flow marked the tenth net outflow in the last eleven weeks for the peer group during which over $11.8 billion has left the group’s coffers. As part of this slump, the emerging markets funds group suffered the worst weekly net outflow in its history (Lipper began tracking fund flows data for this group in 1993) as $4.1 billion left during the fund-flows week ended August 7. The group has recorded a net negative flow of $10.2 billion for the quarter to date putting it on pace to surpass the second quarter of 2013 (-$13.7 billion) for its worst quarterly fund flows result ever.


  • edited September 2019
    I'm thinking that emerging markets have become oversold. And, I just might reposition some of my equity money into them.
  • @Old_Skeet: I was thinking the same thing on EMs. However, I have to remember how many times in the past I have gone in because they were a "screaming buy," only to discover that the screaming could go on for a long time.
  • Hey @BenWP, haven't chatted in quite awhile. Are you buying anything right now? I've been sitting tight but have my list ready. thanks.
  • Just a new short-term position in CAPE Initiated in early August. I have owned it before. The last couple of up days have pushed it squarely into the green, but it’s been a rough ride. I may have explained elsewhere that I don’t trade DSENX, but treat it as a core holding. Therefore, no change in my positions in that fund in three different accounts. As you know, we all feel like geniuses when the market goes up!
  • edited September 2019
    @BenWP Hah! Actually I had taken my equity position down to 50% a month ago so had been feeling smart until this week. But who knows what the hell the market will do. I just have confidence that the big idiot will screw things up. Thanks for sharing CAPE.
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