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Wasatch Global Select & Wasatch International Select Funds in registration


  • Wasatch has earned its keep through the years, I suppose. I never threw them any money. High E.R.s.
  • I agree with @Crash; I have let Grandeur Peak go and used some of the dough in WAGOX. As it stands now, from my quick review of their international and global funds, there's only one (Emerging Markets Select) that seems to invest in anything but small and micro caps. Maybe the two new offerings will also venture into larger cap holdings. The high ERs kept me away, but my reluctance may have been penny foolish. My final sale of GP funds was GPGOX, which I bought almost at inception. As others here have pointed out, GP lost its momentum a couple of years ago. WAGOX caught GPGOX in late 2017 and hasn't looked back since.
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