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Did Your Hedge Fund Manager Just Win A Poker Tournament? It Might Be Time To Cash In.

FYI: It's no secret that hedge fund managers love betting — on the markets and at the poker table.

Options trading firm Susquehanna International Group gives its new hires copies of The Theory of Poker and Hold 'Em Poker, Point72 founder Steve Cohen called the game the “biggest determinant” in his learning to take risks, and Greenlight Capital founder David Einhorn once placed third in the World Series of Poker tournament. Hedge funds have even hired talented players: Former poker pro Vanessa Selbst was recently recruited by Bridgewater Associates for her prowess.

Now, though, it’s official: better poker players make better hedge fund managers, according to new research published by the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.


  • edited June 2019
    “ ... it’s official: better poker players make better hedge fund managers, according to new research published by the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.”

    We can now further refine our search for the optimum money manager to those who grew up in broken homes and are good at poker.
  • @MFO Members: Here is a perfect example why the above poster is a very low tier menber. "We can now further refine our search for the optimum money manager to those who grew up in broken homes and are good at poker."
  • How so Ted? Explain yourself to this other low quality poster because I fail to understand.
  • TedTed
    edited June 2019
    @Mark: His condescending remarks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. My staff keeps track of our lower tier members, and you are not one of them.
    Presently there are three.
  • Just maybe they read "Thinking in Bets" by Annie Duke ?!

    Have a good week, Derf
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