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The Next Act For Small Caps: (VILLX)

FYI: After years of underperforming large company stocks, small companies and mid-caps have made a comeback this year. And Lamar Villere, who co-manages the Villere Balanced Fund, thinks the stage is set for these smaller names to assume a market leadership position in the years to come.

M* Snapshot VILLX:

Lipper Snapshot VILLX:

VILLX Is Ranked #22 In The (A70/85E) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • I wonder if article was written before the correction in October. Small caps we’re outperforming through September but have faltered badly over the past few months.
  • this has been a standing article for a loooong time, SC due for its day, also LCV comeback, yada yada
  • Tarwheel said:

    I wonder if article was written before the correction in October. Small caps we’re outperforming through September but have faltered badly over the past few months.

    It's dated Nov 1, last Thursday. Maybe the assignment goes back to before the selloff, and there was an editing/publishing delay. Otherwise, it is odd timing.
  • The Villere boys are similar to some other managers of dubious distinction who manage to get lots of media coverage for run-of-the-mill results. They pronounce their name "Villerey" as opposed to the appropriate Cajun/French "viyair." An accent mark was lost, also. Old timers may remember our troops pronunciation of the "ville" in VietNam as "vil."
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