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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Thank you, Ted!

A couple of weeks ago Ted mentioned the ongoing play in MJ, a marijuana etf. I bought 100 shares just for the hell of it. Today I sold those shares for a $1,000 profit.

Thank you Ted!

By the way, $100 of that was sent to MFO to help with the current funds shortage.



  • edited September 2018
    @Old_Joe +1

    BTW - That $1,000 gain puts you ahead of me for the entire (lousy) year.
  • Ha !!! @Old_Joe

    Who'da thunk, 50 years later from the Haight-Ashbury days and you're taking a profit from the Mary Jane industry and without fear of this being a felony for "dealing".

  • The Times, They Are A-changin'.
  • @Od_Joe,

    They don't call spiffs like that "FAST MONEY" for no reason.

  • edited September 2018
    I got out at 44.20, and by the end of the session it had deteriorated to 40.99. Talk about good timing, aka blind luck. :) :)
  • @Old_Skeet- That wasn't investing... it was a quick and very lucky trip to the casino. :)
  • @ Old_Joe: Don't let that win go to your head. Investor one day. day trader the next !!
    Good luck tomorrow, Derf
  • edited September 2018
    Hi sir Joe
    You use them too... You will be much happier... And less complain toward the person that recommended the etf
  • edited September 2018
    @johnN: All that person need do is follow the rules, and I'll have no complaints at all. I've complimented Ted quite a few times as well as criticized, as evidenced by this post.
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