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Trump: Democrats Faked 3,000 Hurricane Deaths in Puerto Rico to Make Me Look Bad

edited September 2018 in Off-Topic
I’m having trouble determining whether this one is intended as a satirical piece or real reporting. Anybody know?


  • edited September 2018
    The tweet from the twit-in-chief appears to be real. Gives a whole new meaning to the word disgusting. This dolt is unconscionable.
  • That number was produced by public health experts at George Washington University in Washington in a report commissioned by the U.S. territory’s governor, Ricardo Rossello.

    The study found that those deaths could be attributed directly or indirectly to Maria from the time it struck in September 2017 to mid-February of this year.

    The report compared predicted mortality under normal circumstances and deaths documented after Maria. (Study:
  • Key word here is "predicted." I'm not defending his tweet, but let's be real here... The number is an educated guess, at best.
  • Let's be real here, indeed-

    Key word here is "documented". A known fact. As in FACT. Are you familiar with the concept?

    "Predicted" mortality under non-hurricane normal circumstances is hardly a "guess", since accurate data on that is certainly widely and easily available.
  • Yes, this reads as a genuine report, not satire, like The Onion. Jay-zuz, The Trumpster is a disgrace. Just a wad of old spooge.
  • @Crash- Not to the JoJos of the world he's not. "Let's be real here"...
  • Old_Joe said:

    Let's be real here, indeed-

    Key word here is "documented". A known fact. As in FACT. Are you familiar with the concept?

    "Predicted" mortality under non-hurricane normal circumstances is hardly a "guess", since accurate data on that is certainly widely and easily available.

    Sure the deaths are "documented" but they're being attributed to a specific event by PREDICTION. That is far from FACT. Morons.
  • WaPo: "Broadly, then, a range of expert analyses found that more than 1,000 people died than expected in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane and the relief effort.

    Then, in August, GWU released its report, estimating excess deaths at between 2,658 and 3,290, with a midpoint of 2,975, in the six months after the storm made landfall. The investigation, based on actual death certificates, compared the number of deaths with typical death rates, adjusting for many variables, including the mass exodus from the island in the aftermath of the storm."
    And then there's THIS, contradicting Uncle Donald's claims that the emergency response to Maria was an "unsung success."
  • Trump says it.

    I believe it.

    That settles it.
  • I'm not a fan of trump, but see no way specific way of connecting this to mutual funds. I vote this thread closed.
  • Yet another Trump 4-Pinocchio "special". This man couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

  • Investing-wise, the storm doesn't change my views on the utes and infrastructures. I just added UTF to one of my accounts yesterday, actually.

    Regarding the Atomic Tangerine, yesterday, he's also grumpy b/c nobody praised him tossing "beautiful, soft" paper towel rolls to the survivors who were "having fun" while he was speaking to them in the aftermath.

    I think that moronic statement is b/c Woodward's book sold 750K copies in the first day on Tues, and is already entering its 9th printing. Divert, deflect, distract, that's Tweety Amin's MO, remember.

    Politico's newsletter this morning posited what if there was a huge Blue Wave in November, and many GOP districts that he won get flipped. Would he accept/admit any responsibility for those losses? (We all know the answer to that I think....)
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