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How San Francisco Deals With No.2: The Smell Isn't Rice A Roni

FYI: ( Any thoughts Old_ Joe ?)

In a city where filthy sidewalks are many residents’ No. 1 complaint, City Hall has come up with a new way to deal with No. 2.

It sounds like silly elementary school banter, but it’s real. San Francisco is about to launch the Poop Patrol.


  • Ben
    edited August 2018
    SF's got nothing on Paris in the Poo department. In any residential neighborhood, especially in the morning, it's dog poo on every sidewalk, and in all areas people pee on any available wall at 2 or 3 AM. Maybe that's why they call it the "wee hours of the morning". As for Mumbai.......
  • edited August 2018
    In local news, the second-in-command of the new SF "Poop Patrol" has made it clear that he does not appreciate being called "#2".
  • Paris dog poop is gross; winters there are wet, so the already slippery flagstones get "lubricated."
  • edited August 2018
    True enough re the Paris poop, but my wife and I have always admired the general behavior of the typical French pet canine. Quiet, well behaved, they don't run around in circles and jump all over folks, and even in restaurants, where they seem to be quite common, they just lay quietly under the table and don't bother anyone. Remarkable.
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