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What would it take for China to place ads in all American print papers regarding our debt?......

.....meaning an informative write as to how national debt happens and who are the primary purchasers of such debt; in order for this country to continue to function in some fashion or another with blind faith.
Is China without faults and other corruption targeted at the global way!

I suspect there is a high percent of Americans who have no clues at all about debt and related, yes?
Nor do they understand the inflation implications of tariffs to products they purchase.

Hey, lets threaten with more, eh?


  • edited July 2018

    I doubt it would help -- placing ads to inform people of what they're risking supporting this insane economic policy.

    Many elected officials prefer an ignorant and/or selectively-disinformed citizenry, since they don't know enough about such things to challenge whatever policy/action is taken "on their behalf" as Americans or citzens. Plus not knowing the facts makes it hard to objectively keep government officials accountable on pretty much anything they say or do -- which is one of the reasons why the media is being labelled an 'enemy of the people' these days. Heck, government 'accountability' has been pushed farther and farther away from the public despite claims of increasing 'transparency' in recent years - remember the 'most transparent Administration' that ended in 2017 was anything but.

    MAYBE .. MAYBE when trade-related consequences (ie, inflation/tariffs) hits certain voters where it hurts most, and they see their meager benefits from the vaunted 2017 tax 'cuts' disappear as a result, MAYBE they'll take note. But I suspect they'll probably still just accept whatever they're told and just blame someone else for their woes anyway.....because that's the new normal for a large swatch of America these days. :/

    On a semi-related note, it's funny that Harley (and others, I hear) as a public company accountable to its shareholders is making what it considers prudent business decisions in the current economic climate and is slammed by the very person responsible for causing this situation --- and apparently someone who does not know that a public company's first loyalty lies with its shareholders and maximizing their profits.

  • @rforno- It's also accurate to simply say:

    "Many elected officials prefer an ignorant and/or selectively-disinformed citizenry, since they don't know enough about such things."

    (In this instance referring to the elected officials themselves.)

  • Yessir - truth!
    Old_Joe said:

    @rforno- It's also accurate to simply say:

    "Many elected officials prefer an ignorant and/or selectively-disinformed citizenry, since they don't know enough about such things."

    (In this instance referring to the elected officials themselves.)

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