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Large corrections ahead on !? Stock Markets a Bomb Waiting to Go Off – Gregory Mannarino


  • edited July 2018
    What day? Should I be buying gold or bitcoin? I'm so confused.
  • edited July 2018
    Thank you John. However, you failed to cite the best part:

    Mannarino expects war to come into play. Mannarino predicts, “This is going to lead to another world war. . . . I have said this many times, and that is this has the potential to be Biblical. It will be a worldwide event or a correction to fair value is really what it is. We might be seeing the opening salvos already. Governments around the world are building up their militaries just like the U.S. . . . We are unfortunately going to clear this out and lose a large percent of the world population through this financial correction and war. We will rebuild, but the world will not be what we are seeing now.”

    @JohnN - . What is your opinion on this? Have you sold off your stock holdings in anticipation of a market crash or world war?

    @Mark - Radiation gear
  • @johnN
    Okay, so now what with your portfolio?
    You told us a few days ago that you are 70/30 and will move to 100% if there is a correction and I presume a buy point. Does this still apply?
  • edited July 2018
    Still about 80-20 w 401k distributions and bought more stocks real-estate reits previously w private equities portfolio... I Still have least 20 yrs until retirement so taking the lazy portfolio approaches... We are overdue for a large15s%correction so nothing surprises me anymore . Did place trade on O and another oil preferred stocks last week
  • My brother does state wd may have another real estate crash but don't know when maybe 24 months?! May save more cash and put $$"down for a rental real-estate
  • @johnN - are you aware of how O and preferred shares faired during the last correction of 2008-9? If so then I don't understand why you would buy those given the coming large correction. Moreover, if a large correction is imminent why aren't you just preserving cash? it's not my money but I am curious about your rationale.
  • edited July 2018
    Hi Sir- Mark. Have very small portion play money on O.. Was looking at O for very long time past few yrs but never buy it.. I was very under weigh in real-estate eft and stocks so finally pulled trigger when went down recentlys. May put short stop lost on it tomorrow

    For cash - I used safe individual aaa muni or safe Aa+ bonds as cash portions. Currently don't have a true cash portions at all,probably 5%. I am not very good w playing market timing so probably best leave it indexes and some in TRP funds at 401k
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