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Supreme Court Says No More 'Agency Shop'

FYI: In a blow to organized labor, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that government workers who choose not to join a union cannot be charged for the cost of collective bargaining.


  • edited June 2018
    Look like Kennedy on his way out retirement...ginsberg and Breyer maybe next... Maybe 7-2 by the end of first term... yikes. Not fair imho
  • Well, the thing is that it USED TO BE that both parties were sensible and willing to compromise. The "GOP" has been hijacked by radical right-wing nutjobs. That process was underway even before Ronnie Ray-guns. In the case of the scumpig who currently occupies the Executive Mansion--- he's just off the charts childish, immoral and self-absorbed.
  • And, the left has been hijacked by members so liberal that compromise is no longer possible. But, we thank you for Pelosi and Waters as they are the gift that keeps on giving. You coined, elections have consequences. Have a good night.
  • man, that is weak --- libs the blockers of compromise, kerrist
  • ...My point, exactly. Never any thought on their own part as to how Repugnant they've become.
  • Pelosi??? REALLY??? Is SHE the LIBERAL-est one? Are you effing serious?
  • And Ike was a Republican. Not REPUGNANT, as with more recent examples. Bear THAT in mind. Ike. Eisenhower, for those of you who never studied history. Top tax rate during his tenure as President: 90%. He started the biggest public works project there ever was--- maybe apart from The Marshall Plan and the Space Program. And that was the Interstate Highway System. And it was Ike who warned us, all those years ago, about the rise of the Military Industrial Complex. These days, Repugnants are busy making sure there isn't enough money spent to keep the Interstates in good repair. Eisenhower won us the War in Europe.
  • edited June 2018
    @Crash: 'Repugnant'? Left-wing supporters are now harassing Republicans while out with their families, that's repugnant. And, America is watching. Hopefully the right will never feel the need to fight back. None of us need/want that.
  • The GOP was already perverted before the Trumpster. Now, it is Trumpified. More's the pity.
  • "...So, don't call (Trump) "moron" or "idiot;" call him what he is: a conniving, corrupt con man..."
  • We feel the same about the left. See, we can agree on something.
  • @BrianW The sad thing is Crash is talking about one man and the problems he's caused. You are talking about people who account for half the nation. Do you not see the difference?
  • But the rabid lurch to the far-Right by the Repugnant Party began decades ago. And so, since the Left-Right metric has been so skewed in the public's perception, even centrists like Hillary get labeled as "Lefty radicals." It's propoganda, not a legitimate case being made. You want to see The Left? Check out the upstart who beat the Dem. incumbent in NYC on Tuesday. And all SHE is wanting to see implemented is the kind of normal stuff already in force throughout Europe. Ordinary things that people ought to be able to take for granted. Because we are human. Because we are, simply put, HERE. Because people become parents. Because people do get sick. Because when people work, they should not remain is a state of struggling, financially. People before money. She said it herself:
  • @LewisBraham: if you accounted for half the nation, we would be in much worse shape.
  • edited June 2018
    @BrianW Nice ad-hominen attack. Classy, like the man in charge.
  • On one hand you throw insults like moron, idiot and corrupt, while completely giving Hillary Clinton a pass. You refer to the party as "Repugnant" and then wonder why we are repulsed by you. Here's what we know about being too liberal, you don't know where to stop. You don't understand where the hard line is between what is ours and what is mine. If you did understand, we could compromise. But you can't, and we won't.
  • @BrianW When did I do that on this thread? Are you confusing me with Crash? And in any case, there's this:

  • Whether you call names or not, the only opinion you value is your own, even if you're wrong. If you had the capacity to see beyond your own cult like religion, we could debate honestly. Your guy was in for 8 years and obviously America wasn't happy with the direction it was going. For me it was pure suffrage whenever he opened his mouth. Pelosi, Waters and others have the same impact. You've moved so far left that you aren't recognizable. I started out a Bill Clinton Democrat, but as I aged I understood the hypocrisy. Today's party has nothing in common with the Democrats of the 80's or 90's. If you're honest, you already know that ALL of the so called leaders in the Democrat Party called for closing our porous southern border. You already know that it is dangerous to allow whoever to come into the country. You know that what Maxine Waters is saying is wrong and dangerous. But all you have time to do is criticize someone who actually is trying to get something done. Crash is right that the country is lurching even more to the Right. But have you asked, why? It certainly isn't because of Trump. You made Trump! Every election cycle, you would attack Republicans with the same old complaints of racism, sexism and anything else you believed would stick. Most would wither, but now Trump hasn't and through all of your insults, he has thrived. So imagine the next election cycle where your normal insults have no impact on anyone? Imagine the next election where Trump isn't involved but others have learned from him.
  • @BrianW You're assuming an awful lot, and remember that old saying about people who assume. You define prejudice--to pre-judge people--with such comments. I can see though it's a waste of time.
  • Left and Right DO bring different assumptions to the table, so to speak, before the conversation even begins. A good friend, now deceased, once baited me because I'm socialist. "I want your shirt. I like your shirt. GIVE ME your shirt. It should be mine." Private property is not going away. All of us own stuff. It's only to be expected. What's unethical is the pathological individualism now rampant in our culture, our society. Social media and computers must be acknowledged as part of this mess. There's an " app" which enables you to order pizza to the hotel room you're not even IN yet, next Wednesday. But there's no "app" to fix the unethical priorities of a society so hell-bent on having everything, just the way they want it, and have it delivered instantly. Consumerism is not about consumers getting what they desire, with a healthy dose of pleasure and satisfaction connected to it all. CONSUMER-ISM is the "civic religion" which puts ME at the head of the line. Consumer-ism's sole priority is to get people to spend and spend and spend some more, all for no real purpose beyond acquiring SH**, oops, I mean STUFF, for its own sake. Whatever party you belong to, the radical individualism that afflicts us today is THE big reason why we don't yet have a REAL healthcare system in this country, yet. "I got mine. I hope you get yours." We need to get from ME to WE. Already, this country is in decline, and will continue until we learn to recognize ourselves in each other. And we all have needs. And at least at a moderate level, those needs ought to be met and provided for. ...If, on the other hand, the only one that matters is ME, then... "nevermind."
  • The country is far from decline, but unfortunately it isn't healthy either. I respect your right to be whatever you want to be but there has to be a firm line between what is yours and what is mine. And, you go no further.
  • >> obviously America wasn't happy with the direction it was going.

    Huh? The majority of voters --- by almost 3M --- were happy enough with it. Where you been at, man?

    Here's the actual history and math. Note the last sentence.
  • The best thing in the constitution is the absence of majority rule. The majority is often wrong. The majority in this country live paycheck to paycheck. Not because they have to, they prefer it that way. The majority of the nation know nothing of investing. Not because they have to, they prefer it that way. I could go on, but I'd prefer not to.
  • What the hell is this: 'Republican governments have made voting more cumbersome, in order to winnow out the disproportionately poor and minority voters who such restrictions would discourage from the hassle.' Black, White or whatever, we show up, show ID and then vote. How is this more difficult for minorities?
  • edited June 2018
    And this: 'Court is reverting to its historical role as a bastion of conservatism, frustrating the public’s demands for progressive action.' The court isn't there to frustrate or support the public's demand for progressive action. The court is only there to insure laws are upheld (as written). If you're unhappy with a law, pass a new one.
  • ' Their notion is that the Constitution guarantees not only political rights but a broader protection of property rights and the small government agenda.' Sounds about right, no pun intended.
  • And lastly: 'It is the culmination of a party increasingly comfortable with, and reliant on, countermajoritarian power.' No, its the culmination of 8 years of frustration and no more reliance on majoritarian insanity. Odd, I don't recall you whining so much when your candidate won while using the electoral college. Hm
  • BrianW said:

    The country is far from decline, but unfortunately it isn't healthy either. I respect your right to be whatever you want to be but there has to be a firm line between what is yours and what is mine. And, you go no further.

    The only two categories are either YOURS or MINE? Then what's the purpose of taxes--- if not providing roads, schools, bridges, safety-net programs, libraries? All of those things serve the COMMON GOOD. (Though the safety-net has been deliberately eroded since the days of uncle Bill Clinton who steered to the Right with the Repugnants.)

    @Crash- Sorry- Invalid Concept.
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