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DoubleLine Strategic Commodity Fund Attracts 11th Month Of Inflows: (DBCMX)

FYI: The DoubleLine Strategic Commodity Fund attracted $58 million of net new cash in May, extending its streak of inflows for the past 11 months with more demand projected following a ratings boost from Morningstar Inc.

This week, Morningstar awarded the DoubleLine Strategic Commodity Fund, overseen by Jeffrey Sherman, five stars for its three-year risk-adjusted performance.

M* Snapshot DBCMX:


  • edited June 2018
    I guess that can be said for some other commodity funds as well because that is when I started to build my current position in PCLAX.

    M* Snapshot PCLAX ...

    DBCMX min to invest 100K, YTD return 6.06%, 1 year retrun 27.13%, 3 year retrun 4.72% as of 6/8/18.

    PCLAX min to invest 1K, YTD retrun 8.44%, 1 year retrun 31.49%, 3 year retrun 0.67% as of 6/8/18.

    I my case ... It's what have you (the fund) done for me since I put my money to work just short of a year ago?
  • I own a smattering of DLCMX. The reason I don't own more - and am upset because of it - is because after move of my IRA to TDA, I stopped making trades. Have begun the process of moving our IRAs over to Schwab.
  • Gundlach said some ago that commodities would come back and he was right.
  • How is this even considered a commodity fund? Do they spend the day flipping futures or what?

    So basically that seems to be the case. From the website:
    "The Fund will maintain a core long-commodity biased weighting while tactically allocating to the long-short dollar-neutral commodity strategy when a long-only strategy may not be as attractive. The long commodity positions are focused on commodities that have historically exhibited the highest degree of backwardation while the long-short strategy utilizes fundamental signals to determine its allocation."

    Guess one needs to put a boatload of faith & trust in the manager(s). Not for the timid.

    Also, for those who want it but can't afford the I-class shares the retail shares can be had for $2K and you can buy those I-shares for $5K in an IRA.
  • Schwab has a minimum of $100 for DLCMX ntf.
  • I have got to use backwardation soon in public
  • edited June 2018
    While searching for an example sentence for backward action (something funny, preferrably), I came across the world oleaginous :

    The oleaginous Mike Pence, with his talent for toadyism and appetite for obsequiousness, could, Trump knew, become America’s most repulsive public figure.
    — George Will, The Washington Post, 9 May 2018 [they even share a similar tan...though Pence’s is less orange]

    I know Will is a conservative.....but come on, this sentence contains “oleaginous,” “toadyism,” and a regular favorite of mine, “obsequiousness”! All it’s missing is “ubiquitous”
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