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Some additional color on the PIMCO income CEF's for those who might be interested


  • edited June 2018
    This is very helpful analysis, thanks much, and some good comments on the first.

    I believe I will shift further from PDI and PTY to PCI and PONAX.
  • PIMIX is down 1.1% YTD and the unconstrainted fund, PFIUX has done better, up 1.2%. Next week the fed rate will likely be raised again. Not sure how the leveraged CEFs will do given there are several rounds of rate hikes are planned for the rest of the year.
  • @Sven - I'm not sure how the CEF's will do either but since rates have started up again they have handled the increases without skipping a beat. It has been my experience that it's been investor panic which causes them to retreat which is of course a buying opportunity usually for this who hold or trade them.
  • @Mark - would the leverage of these CEFs also magnify the loss? For now they are still trading at a premium, although lower than previously.
  • That's what they say, yes.
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