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IBD: Small Cap Market Tilt: More Tailwind For Hot AMG Stock Mutual Fund? (MECIX)

FYI: Already performing well this year thanks to leading stocks like PGT Innovations (PGTI), Kinsale Capital Group (KNSL), MCBC Holdings (MCFT) and Medifast (MED) — which are up 10% for PGT to 70% for Medifast — small-cap growth $121.8 million AMG Managers Cadence Emerging Companies Fund's (MECIX) managers see the market environment tilting more their way — more in favor of small-cap stocks.

M* Snapshot MECIX:

Lipper Snapshot MECIX:

MECIX Is Unranked In The (SCG) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • I own MECAX (couldn't purchase MECIX).
  • @TheShadow: I was wondering about MECAX annual distributions. M* has no info at all and the AMG site seems to say there were none paid for 2017. Hard to square with a 98% turnover ratio. The same managers run the Cadence mid-cap fund which has paid nose-bleed distributions for the last four years. It may not matter to you if your holding is in a tax-deferred account.
  • edited May 2018

    Just bought into the fund this past January as I did look at the past history with not much indicated. At $55 dollars a share, $2,500 doesn't buy much. I do have it in a taxable account with the transfer agent.

    Most of my mid-cap holdings (except POAGX) have a history of paying significantly more cgs/dividends than my small cap funds.

    Fund still has small asset base with not much outflow. If there were a lot of outflows similar to that of Turner's Microcap/Emerging Growth fund during its last couple of years of existence, I would be worried.

    Here is the 2017 prospectus link:

    Look at the footnotes in the financials for more information concerning dividends.
  • Availability varies among 5 brokerage platforms I checked for MECAX :ntf at TDA and Vanguard, tf at Fidelity and not available at Schwab and E-Trade.
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