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People Think Amazon Has The Most Positive Iimpact On Society Out Of Any Major Tech Company

edited April 2018 in Fund Discussions
FYI: After Facebook’s data scandal in March, many Americans are taking a more critical eye toward their technology overlords. But not all tech companies are perceived equally. Amazon, for example, consistently enjoys the public’s good graces.


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  • edited April 2018
    @Ted If you're going to plagiarize excerpts from a linked article you could at least have the decency and professionalism to use quote marks. Since you're apparently unfamiliar with the concept, they look like this: " "

  • @Ted: WHY IS THIS POSTED AS A "FUND DISCUSSION" ??? What does it have to do with funds??? Why do you have different rules for yourself and everyone else ???

    The carping gets a little tiresome, yes? (What goes around...)

  • @Old_Joe, we are all children and GrandPa knows best

    And the median income of Amazon employee is $28,500. This child knows "median" means HALF of Amazon workers make less than quoted number. So just like McDonald's and Walmart, Amazon is the beneficiary of the largess of the US Govt so companies can simply employ people on food stamps.

  • TedTed
    edited April 2018
    @Maurice & Old_Joe: Both of you remind me of the Katzenjammer Kids" , and this is just what you need ! A good dose of PB
  • edited April 2018
    Not sure why @Ted decided to post this - but I personally enjoy these Off Topic posts. Watching my money resting comfortably / growing in a handfull of funds day in and day out wouldn’t make very interesting conversation. Doing a little traveling - so this contribution isn’t well researched and can’t follow up. Seems to be a lot of confusion re Amazon and the reported pay to workers. Just a few observations.

    The first linked article comments on the reported yearly medium compensation of Amazon workers and also contains some refutation by Bezos. He contends those numbers include many overseas workers where compensation levels are much less than in the U.S. (Yep - having tried to work out issues with employees who sounded like they were in India and could barely speak English, I’d say many are overseas.). Bezos also contends that the low numbers cited actually included part time workers. Further, he contends many receive health care and other additional benefits. Additionally, he puts the average hourly wage of Amazon’s U.S. warehouse workers at $15 per hour - higher than earlier reports suggest. I dunno. Just trying to paint with a broader brush.

    As other (media) observers have noted in recent days, those very low reported pay figures don’t seem consistent with Amazon’s large cloud computing business. Unlike warehouse workers, whom I envision packing and labeling boxes, cloud computing would seem more dependent on highly skilled technical workers. This article alludes to the size of that growing business. So, likely, the numbers that are flying around pertain only to the fulfillment center employees.

    The third article notes that even the CIA uses Amazon’s cloud computing capabilities. And $28,000 per year hardly seems appealing to those handling our nations top secrets. Just doesn’t sound right. (It’s actually about half of what one reported government high security phone booth cost.):)

    All this makes me think that that $28,000 medium figure pertains only to warehouse (read “low skilled”) workers. Perhaps somebody has the time or research savvy to sort all this out.
  • edited April 2018
    Evening @hank
    Rather pleasant, this day and evening in good old Michigan.

    A video of some workers; cobots/humans at an Amazon Fulfillment Center. (May need two clicks on the play button)

    Have a good remainder.
  • Hi Catch. Went from 2 feet of sloppy snow last week to 60 degrees today. Thanks for the link. Hope all is well. hank

  • Hi guys.. (oh-oh, that sounds like ol' MJG) yep, pretty much agree with all your stuff. You know darn well that I have absolutely no problem with Ted's post, other than his usual contempt for the same rules that he loves to blast everyone else about.

    "All this makes me think that that $28,000 median figure pertains only to warehouse (read “low skilled”) workers." Yes, I'd like to know a lot more about that number too.

    Hope all is well in my second favorite state. Have a good one!
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