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  • @Mark. Interesting, thanks!
  • @MFO Members: PDI has had my attention for some time. Getting ready to pull the trigger !
  • just sold some for cashflow but may swap some PONAX for PDI soon; premium is a little scary to me though
  • We all have our own plans and reasons for how we construct our portfolios and choose those building blocks but I am more inclined to add to PCI here (similar holdings thesis, selling at a discount) rather than PDI. I do own a boatload of each at this time. YMMV.
  • edited April 2018
    Imho, agree with Mark, PCI is the better buy if I had to put $ down on one of the two semi-siblings now. Not only because it's still at a discount and PDI's at a premium, but 'cause of the magnitude of the uptick in the PDI premium. PDI was in the +3s in Feb, now high 7s, with 3m and 6m z-scores in the +2s. Looks somewhat shortish-term overbought, but not as overbought as PTY ...
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