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1 Star Fund CGMFX - Seems to be L/S...Long Financials...Short US Treasuries and some FANGS

edited March 2018 in Fund Discussions
I was looking for funds that have a high stake in BAC (Bank of America) and one that tops this list is Ken Heeber's CGMFX with a 20% stake in BAC.

I also noticed a lot of short positions in the fund. @davidmoran, @VintageFreak, and others have all commented on this fund.
MFO discussion search for CMGFX

AMZN, SNAP and NFLX shorts have gone against the fund. Not sure how shorting the Treasury position works.

The manager as usual looks to be doing interesting things. Here's its top 25 holdings (note: negative % = short positions):


  • Holding that fund is equivalent to crossing the English Channel in bad weather.
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