The software upgrade is complete. We've added some incredibly cool and useful enhancements, most of which should be pretty self-explanatory: F/L, for example, takes you to the First or Last post on a particular thread. For those of you looking for some help with the new look, please see the
User's Guide generously created for us by Old_Joe. We'll work on a "quick guide" in the weeks ahead.
If you've got problems, questions, comments and happy outbursts, please do share them with us and we'll keep refining the board for you.
Thanks to the folks who've been testing the site for the past week and, especially, to you for your patience.
chip, for Accipiter and David and the other folks behind the scenes
If you are having trouble posting, please sign out, close down your browser, reopen, and sign back in again. That seems to take care of it.
Just wanted to say I'm seeing weird behavior in Google Chrome though. Cursor jumping all over the place instead of staying at the end of of the last character I typed, and suddenly this HTML layer pops up showing me summary of who has replied to my posts which takes a while to go away and I'm not sure how it goes away.
could be the first time you sign in takes a bit to load.
Sorry for duplicate. I thought the other one in the test thread didn't post.
but feel free to make any and all comments.
For Bugs and problems please post at this link.
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for general comments and feedback post here just comment or reply in this Announcement,
keep out of the rain ☂
should be fixed - let me know - if works for you.
Had to remove them they didn't work with the forum embedded in wordpress.
Here's my logic.
Show all and Show unread is primarily useful if you have unread discussions interspersed throughout the discussion topic page. The toggle allows you to see unread discussions without necessitating a page reload that takes time.
If what you are looking for is seeing the most recent unread discussions they will always be at the top of the page. So just clicking Discussions in the menu bar (which is "the proper way" to reload the discussion page), will show you the most recent unread discussions at the top. Any older unread discussions will still be there whether you clicked unread, read, discussions or any number of things. So in my logic it makes no sense.
In a programming point of view - yes it would be time consuming, so I probably won't mess with it considering....
On a positive note, the next version of vanilla forums (2.1) has a much better unread discussions option. The current unread feature I have written myself, but in Vanilla 2.1, this feature is written by the developers themselves, so one would expect it to perform more seamlessly.
The new version 2.1 will probably be released in beta in a few months, and most like be "stable" a few months after that. So, if and when 2.1 is released and is stable and chip has the time and David has the desire, expect to see a change within 6 months at the earliest.
I'll come visit, if I am not already there....