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Gary Cohn resigns, Will it be a happy eastern time zone equity morning? March 7

edited March 2018 in Fund Discussions
---11:05 PM EST

Asia related has at least the equity dry heaves. Perhaps just some bad food.
Hopefully, no tummy aches when Europe awakens.
Flu, equity flu; don't be need'in anymore flu at the time.

I'm sure everything will be handled to the positive before I awaken in 7 hours.

Evening time to slip away.....pillow.


  • edited February 2018
    Yer funny. DJIA futures down -58 points at the moment, 11:20 p.m. Thankfully, my investing is not a sprint, but a marathon. Just added (through the mail) to PRIDX and PNM and SFGIX.
  • Well, that sucked, eh? S&P +.5% about 11am, had a 1.5% swing to end down about 1%. Asia and Europe not too happy either. Need "care" from our healthcare which took a 1.5% kick in the mouth.
    Will take a peek and try again tonight before pillow time.....C.U. then.
  • edited February 2018
    Yup - Those of us who are betting on a down March (maybe just one deranged individual?) were hoping for a big run-up at the end of February.:)

    Here’s Flack’s thread again. Unfortunately, he shut down gaming at the end of market trading today.

    I’m not Art Cashin. But I don’t think it’s a good portent when the averages start running down every day during the closing minutes.
  • edited February 2018
    Hi @hank
    At least for this trading day, the 28th; only some bonds survived losses....this in itself is prices up, during down equities.
    A broad, quick look through Fidelity found almost all equity sectors down for their respective country closing day.
    I look at this futures page out of curious interest, from time to time. You'll see the green or red clock symbol indicating whether a particular item is open for futures trading. You'll also see either a calendar date (last close) or a running time that may also be concurrent with an active, open market in the particular country.
    Agree, regarding the afternoon sell down.
    A couple of chores to finish and then a peek at some of the markets about 11pm.
  • Won't be around the ranch 'til late afternoon if equity stuff gets nasty. Domestic equity is still the best equity area; as Asia and Europe obtained another arse bite for March 1 (although Europe is still open at this write time).
    Investment grade bonds happier this A.M. (risk off mode, eh?).
    Have a good remainder.
  • edited March 2018
    Thursday evening.....yuck! 10:35pm bells and all is not well.
    With the view of Asia having a face slap again for their March 2 trading; I don't imagine the early risers in Europe will be in a good mood. It appears our remaining U.S. equity will receive another boot in the arse, barring a late afternoon rally arising from the thinnest of air.
    The overwhelming positive performers of 2017, being large growth, have finally given way to the large sell areas today; being the group with the largest losses.
    Best to all. Pillow time here.
  • Will check global futures later tonight for any reaction; other than the more than -1.5% current for U.S. markets. Asia will be open soon.
  • Gary Cohn has just resigned his White House position as director of the National Economic Council, because of the tariff decision. Says Trump, per WSJ: "I like conflict".
  • edited March 2018
    Well, this kid is tired from a long west coasters will have a better view for market directions, as I will be fast into R.E.M. sleep.

    Thank you @Old_Joe for the add note about Cohn, as the subject line change may not catch the attention, being included in a previous similar subject wording.
  • The adults are all leaving. The unraveling has accelerated. It's going to be a bumpy ride. The US hasn't seen political instability like this for a while.
  • @Catch22: Go back to sleep, it will all be taken care of in the "Breakfast Briefing", as it is every morning by my hard working staff.
  • Howdy,

    Getting crazier and crazier. Way too insane for me. I'm further lightening up.

    Oh, and while I hate to predict things - kids, this doesn't look like it's going to end well for anyone anywhere on the planet.

    Time to go batten down the hatches. As Cpl. Ford used to say back some 50 years ago, 'keep your flak jackets close and your asses low'.

    and so it goes,



  • DJ futs down 300-ish I see. Fun times ahead.....
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