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TRAOX TRP Asia Opportunities

I want to grow my foreign stake in 2018. I would be doing it in incremental slugs. PRIDX is already decided upon. In days gone by, I owned PRASX (TRP New Asia) but I bolted when it simply faltered and ceased to perform.

I like the TRAOX risk-reward profile, rather than PRASX as it appears on the M* "quote" page. I don't like the fact that in Dec of '17, TRAOX spit-out just a .04 cents pay-out to shareholders. Nevertheless, it is a 5-star fund. I don't mind the mix of developed and EM which I see in the portfolio. I recall that among my holdings, PRDSX did not spit-out much for shareholders in 2017, either. If the thing is growth-oriented, I can easily understand that. Total Return is the thing.


  • TRP gets the nod from me - I hold several of their funds and am quite happy with the firm and investment style. That said, maybe also look at some of the Matthews funds? They're an Asia fund shop and have some pretty good offerings, I hear. (I used to own MAPIX)
  • Yes, Matthews is damn good. Can't own their stuff anymore, though, after I got treated like dirt by them.
  • @Crash: I for one am delighted if a fund in a taxable account pays out very little. Ditto on MAPIX.
  • But this would be in a Trad. IRA. That fact doesn't make it not a good fund, in any case.
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