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thoughts on keeping or ditching DLEUX?

edited January 2018 in Fund Discussions
Any other holders or students of DLEUX and its performance who have thoughts on it?


  • One quick observation - unless you're analogizing buying it to buying Dutch tulip fleurs, or have found a fund focusing on 1800Flowers, FTD, etc., you might consider changing the subject ticker.
  • @davidmoran: are you the only one on this board who owns this fund? I own a lot of DSENX, but I have been unimpressed with the European version of CAPE. What I did buy last year were BCVSX and MOTI.
  • I moved some DSENX into DLEUX a few months ago, a small amount to start. My thought was; I like the CAPE theory, so if there is better value in Europe then CAPE should work well there. Maybe better than US.

    If I compare the US version to Europe, The U.S version has done better, but not by a lot. But I take that with a grain of salt because domestic stocks have all been on a tear. so maybe not a good comparison. If I compare it to FEU, a broader Europe ETF, it under performs substantially over the last 3 months, 1.7% to 6.1% for FEU and by about 5% over one year, 23% for DLEUX versus 28% for FEU.

    I don't know what it all means over this short time, but I don't have a huge stake in DLEUX to give it much worry. I don't plan to move any more DSENX to DLEUX at this point, but I'm not going to sell either. Still an experiment.
  • I agree with @MikeM that the theory, having worked in the US, should work in Europe.
  • good points all, and have guided my decisions thus far: should work, not selling, not adding

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