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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Junk Bond Myths do Junk Bonds actually behave in terms of risk and return?

In attempting to answer this question, let’s address some common myths surrounding the asset class affectionately known as “junk bonds.”


  • That's a well-presented/written article. @Bee, do you read them regularly, and are most of the pieces from that group that same quality?
  • @AndyJ...I tend to be lend the watering hole by other's one that often provides a number of daily/weekly readings:
  • @Bee, then I take it you don't normally read Pension Partners; I'll troll around the place and see what I can find. Seems like investment guys into asset rotation, like PP, have some really good insights at times.

    Dash of Insight's a good link fest etc. I've got it bookmarked, but hadn't checked it for a while; also like Barry Ritholz, Abnormal Returns, and a few others - but there's only so much tempus, and it fugits.
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