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M*: Do Foreign Small Caps Offer Better Diversification?

FYI: Foreign small caps can be better diversifiers because they have closer ties to their local economies.


  • edited November 2017
    I have owned OSMAX for over four years and more than once it has been my strongest performer of the year. This category can be very volatile, but i consider this category a nice diversifier in portfolio.
  • @slick. Were you able to purchase load waved ?
  • Yes at Fidelity. Fund is now soft closed though.only existing shareholder s can buy more
  • I purchased OSMYX in my retirement account at what was WellsTrade for a fairly low minimum.

    Also own ARTJX, which just received some significant capital gains in a taxable account.
  • ISMRX has not disappointed and is a good comparison to OSMAX. FOrmer was profiled by D. Snowball in 2016.
  • TCMPX, best-in-class
  • edited November 2017
    PRIDX is a foreign smid-fund. Great year. 36.48% ytd, 6.87%, over past 10 years.... 24th percentile in 2017. Past decade = 12th percentile. No Load. TRP. And $7.6 billion AUM.
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