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Jason Zweig: What I Read This Summer

edited September 2017 in Off-Topic
FYI: I’m always struck by how many people seem to want to know what I’ve been reading lately. It’s healthy to use books as resistance bands that build different mental muscles, so when I’m not at work I try (with rare exceptions) not to read anything related to investing, finance, or economics. My recreational reading tends instead toward literature, art, science, and history; if I can’t be deep, I can at least attempt to be broad. For me, at least, insights and creativity seem to come out of the intersections among seemingly disparate and unrelated fields; I happen to think that everything in the universe is related somehow (after all, “universe” comes from Latin roots meaning “to be turned into one”). So, in that spirit, here’s an annotated sampling of what I’ve read over the past few months. I’ve provided links to all the books on Amazon, although several of the earlier classics are in the public domain and are freely downloadable online as noted.


  • I enjoyed reading "A Land So Strange" by Andres Resendez. It is the story of Cabeza de Vaca, one of four men, who survived an early colonization effort of 1527 that went badly wrong. The survivors walked across what is now the southern US from Florida to Mexico.
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