Yes, it's just one day (10 August, 2017.) But on a day like today, funds NOT in free-fall may just have some built-in positive characteristics that would make them a worthy consideration for other investors. MY int'l bond fund, PRSNX, was FLAT on the day. Other than that, PREMX (EM bonds) was down by -.32% and next in line were my balanced funds--- MAPOX (-.7%) and PRWCX (-.73%.) Although I don't own it, I see DODIX was UP by a penny.
My loser was PGX. Preferred Stocks. Down .79% I think. Meaningful only for conversation.
Perfect alt fund ... never loses money (on up or down market days), but provides some amount of positive return on up market days.
Terminal alt fund ... loses money on up market days.
Cash was the best choice of size for me with 20% of my IRA worth just as much today as it was yesterday. I guess it will be the same today and tomorrow and ...
But in reality a pull back now, whatever the catalyst, isn't a bad thing. If it wasn't the Korean conflict it would be something else.
Three I track: HSGFX gained 1.23%, but is still firmly in the ash-heap for the year. DSENX, a board favorite, lost 1.48% - which ain't bad. PRGMX (Ginny Mae) held flat. Am surprised it didn't gain.
Mine overall (includes cash) lost .41% - better than my benchmark TRRIX which fell .58%. That's about what I'd expect, having been in defensive mode for awhile. Gainers were 3 income funds DODIX, RPSIX, PRFHX and also a gold fund, OPGSX. Notable was PRPFX which lost just .25%.
Like Faulkner, I sense this is all sound and fury - signifying nothing. Get a couple back to back 500-point down-days in the Dow and many will consider cutting and running. Followed the markets for 50 years and can tell you that's the way it always goes.
@Crash - Re "Bad day" ... Surely you jest!
(But good to see you back