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  • Well, it appears that the Euro will do for Germany what Hitler's army couldn't.
  • Given this guy's history of deliberately manipulating currencies, bullion, bonds, and stocks, knowing the negative impact of his actions on entire countries, it's likely there is an alterior motive behind these comments. I am not saying this guy is not smart, because he clearly is. But he surely operates in his own world, with some pretty warped political views (IMHO), and seems to relish the power his trading gives him. I've vented, now I will shut up.
  • edited June 2012
    Good morning sir. As one of the board's veteran venters (vents?) I have to chuckle at the thought that you, of all people, can also be driven to vent a little now and then. Don't believe that I've seen that before. I think that your description of Mr. Soros is right on, but I did read his commentary quite thoroughly, and it's hard to argue with his view on the Euro situation.

    Bob, after all of these years of help from you and a few others, I've finally gotten up the nerve to break away a bit from our American Fund / American Century isolation. Opened up an account at Schwab, took advantage of the drop the other day to buy a little MAPIX, and am closely watching the list below to see how they react compared to our present funds as the markets go through various gyrations.

    I just wanted to say thanks for all of the patience and help that you have given me, and others, over the years. I always look forward to your posts.

    Best Regards- OJ

    PAUDX / PIMCO All-Asset, GASFX /FBR Fund Advisors, ARTGX/Artisan Global Value Investor, PRPFX/Permanent Portfolio, MFLDX/Marketfield
  • I've started reading Soros's books on a couple of occasions, but couldn't really get into them. (he has several.)
  • Reply to @Anna: The same thought occurred to me, too.
  • Reply to @Old_Joe: Hi, OJ! There are not many people who cause instant cringing in me, but Soros is definitely one of them. Our great staff would also chuckle, because the number of occasion when I have actually flipped my lid (now THAT is an expression that dates me!) over the years has been small. But when I do, they would tell you "Watch out!" I like the funds on your watch list, all of them. We have not used GASFX, but timing could be positive for it now, with natural gas prices still very low.
  • Reply to @BobC: Hard to listen to any of em, All gotta talk shop or would be outa a job. Maybe "in one ear and out the other" is the best advice. Possibly a few rare exceptions like Tom Gallagher, formerly of ISI. Dont hear much from him since left firm. However, his role was more in accessing macro trends regarding the underlying political currents - so perhaps not as prone to move markets as most of these guys. And, Bob C, thanks for all your contributions.
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