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Keep that WFC blood pumping ... clawbacks!

$75 mm from the former CEO and the bank network exec ... story includes efforts to oust board members.


  • Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. Good riddance.
  • edited April 2017
    Somehow doesn't seem to be enough. $250K from $1MM seems enough. $25MM from $100MM seems like nothing.

    I'm looking into the minds of CEOs right now who are thinking "so what's the downside of behaving badly?"

    We rant and rave about this. The bottom line is unless we consistently start putting people in jail for grand theft larceny - if this does not quality I don't what does - this is not going to change. I can steal $5 from gas station and face jail time. For these guys, it's about postponing buying that jet a few years.

    This is NOT capitalism. Not to big to fail. Too big to feel ashamed.
  • This is nothing more than sheer greed. These people have enough money so that they will serve a single day behind bars.
  • @Sven- I'm guessing that you meant to say "These people have enough money so that they will NOT serve a single day behind bars ", but your anger is totally justified, and I'm with you for sure!

  • @Old_Joe, you are corrected. We switched to a local credit union over ten years ago after we closed our checking account with Bank of America. Never look back since then.
  • edited April 2017
    @Sven, 2 thumbs up. Thanks for making a statement. I made "half" of a statement, moving half our assets from major bank to Credit Union.
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