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Are you a Buffalo fan?

No, I'm not talking football although I did like them back in the day (Kelly & crew). They were fun to watch. I'm talking about the fund company. I'm looking to open a small position in BUFDX soon. I owned this fund when it first came out. New funds tend to do well their first year or 2 as money pours in and the managers' best ideas are used up. Sold the looking to pair a fund with PRBLX. I was going to use LCEAX, but decided on this. How many, I wonder, own a Buffalo? I never hear or see anything about them on the I wonder.....
God bless
the Pudd


  • @Puddnhead: In my opinion, Buffalo is a run of the mill fund house.
    M* Snapshot Buffalo Fund Family
  • @Puddnhead, you had me all excited for a minute that maybe, just maybe, there were other "Bills" fans out there. What a tease:):):)
  • MikeM said:

    @Puddnhead, you had me all excited for a minute that maybe, just maybe, there were other "Bills" fans out there. What a tease:):):)

    I'm a Bills fan FWIW.
  • I'm a Bills fan FWIW
    Thank you, and all the chicken-wings you can eat! I always figure how fun can it be to be a Patriots fan, or a Packers fan, or a Steelers fan... all they do is win, how boring...:(
  • MikeM said:

    I'm a Bills fan FWIW
    Thank you, and all the chicken-wings you can eat! I always figure how fun can it be to be a Patriots fan, or a Packers fan, or a Steelers fan... all they do is win, how boring...:(
    Yep, I always root against the same old successful teams. I know it gets boring for me. If not the Bills, I'm pulling for teams that are good and have a chance, but always fall short (i.e. Chiefs, Bengals).
  • edited March 2017
    Someday, the Browns will make it into the group that has a chance...but falls short. Today that's just a dream.
  • :) some times when I get frustrated with the Bills I think, I'd love to love the Browns. I was a fan as a kid in the early 60's (probably due to my father). Jim Brown, Paul Warfield, Leroy Kelly... Same blue collar fan base and also on the Erie. But, then I sober up. Only team more frustrating then the Bills is the poor sad-sack Browns.
  • There was a time I fell in love with funds. Then I realized there is nothing special about them. They do well when market does well and do bad when markets do bad. I keep FIFO selling and rotating back in to them.

    So I've chosen Artisan as my fund family to do that. I don't need 2. Buffalo would indeed fit that bill if I did.
  • beebee
    edited March 2017
    My biggest compliant (really a conundrum) is that almost all Buffalo funds all have a 1.01% ER. You'd think they would shave .02% off these fund's ER so that they could be marketed as below 1%. Very curious.
  • @bee- conundrums are a good idea if you're a bit promiscuous.
  • bee said:

    My biggest compliant (really a conundrum) is that almost all Buffalo funds all have a 1.01% ER. You'd think they would shave .02% off these fund's ER so that they could be marketed as below 1%. Very curious.

    I actually appreciate that they don't use an ER<1% as a marketing gimmick.

    That said, still don't think they're anything special.
  • beebee
    edited March 2017
    I might be "a willing participate" of these funds, but I'm afraid that if I revivified one I'd have to propitiate them all. Trying to limit the number of funds I sleep with.
  • beebee
    edited March 2017

    Sorry for drifting here (Buffalo wings & longnecks again..then @Old_Joe stopped by). Your fund is very small (51 million AUM) so could be nimble. It has a short manager record (4 yrs). It's ER is .97% (I like, not 1.01%, burp). The fund seems 'very indexy" (no strong concentrations). For a fund that has a "dividend focus" I would hope for a better yield than 1.19%.

    Compared to other LC blend funds, I have GTLOX, POSKX, and OAKMX on my short list.

    FundMojo likes: TRULX, BRLIX, FOHIX & VDIGX

    Hope that helps.

    A few funds that historically have outperformed here:
  • Nothing outstanding about Buffalo funds in general with respect to fund manager, long term track record (good and bad market cycles) and expense ratio.
  • msf
    edited March 2017
    That's true now, but for its first decade, give or take, BUFSX was a very good SCG fund. 1% is a fair price for such a fund, it performed well, and it was a bit distinctive in that it employed some top-down (sector-focused) management. AFAIK the family as a whole still looks at sectors as well as individual securities in making investment decisions.

    I can't tell you what happened, but in the past decade the family seems to have, if not imploded, certainly degraded. It used to have a fund - Buffalo USA Global (BUFGX) that focused on multi-nationals (a way to get international exposure without leaving the US), like Fidelity's Export and Multinational (FEXPX).

    Its Science and Technology fund was also a bit distinctive in that it combined traditional technology and health care sectors. That was jettisoned as well, and the fund was converted into Discovery (BUFTX). That's a respectable growth fund that still maintains a bias toward technology and health care, but much less so than before.

    It's often a warning sign when a boutique house juggles funds like this and becomes less distinctive. I stopped following Buffalo closely several years ago, but agree that now it doesn't seem to be anything special.

    Side note: the four funds I mentioned, three Buffalo funds and a Fidelity fund, are all funds that M* used to cover but dropped.
  • Hi guys!
    Mike M, you were I knew you'd jump!
    Pressmup -- quit crying. Have you seen the draft picks for this year and next? They should be getting better quickly.
    Bee -- Have been looking at GTLOX. I forgot about Glenmede. They have good funds. So now it's between LCEAX and GTLOX. Will kick it around awhile and wait for a pullback. Also, Bee, you're doing some great posting. Keep up the good work! Uh.....don't get a swelled stinger over the
    msf -- I know the herd isn't what it once was.
    God bless
    the Pudd
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