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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Recommended Reading from Mr. Studzinski

In his October commentary, Mr. Studzinski recommended "A Gentleman from Moscow" by Amor Towles to the members. As the new book has a long wait list at my local library, I satisfied myself with Mr. Towles' first novel, "Rules of Civility," and a very satisfying read it is. This novel is the antithesis of what I'd expect from a manager of money; it is touching, sensitive, humorous, and penetrating. If you enjoy reading of New York, the 1930's and how the other half lives, you might enjoy this novel. The title, BTW, refers to some rules penned by the father of our country. Just reading them will reaffirm your faith in our nation and arouse your disgust at the tenor of the present-day political discourse. Thanks, Mr. S!


  • edited October 2016
    BenWP said:

    Just reading them will reaffirm your faith in our nation and arouse your disgust at the tenor of the present-day political discourse. Thanks, Mr. S!

    Thanks to Ed & Ben. That's just what I needed.

    However, I take exception to the term "political discourse". I'm convinced what we're really enduring is a never-ending 3-ring circus. A dark and hideous carnival barker has somehow emerged as ringmaster.

  • edited October 2016
    "A dark and hideous carnival barker has somehow emerged as ringmaster."

    @hank- dark and hideous... yes, just take a look at some of those facial expressions...

    Dark, hideous, creepy, threatening and scary. A Stephen King character.
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