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Proof That It May Be Time To Bail on U.S. Stocks


  • @Lewis: Based on the content of the linked commercial, and "Proof That It May Be Time To Bail on U.S. Stocks" I don't think SNL will be calling you in the near fututre ! On second thought, they will never call !
  • Debtbusters!

    Gonna see if I can short Drivetime.

    Yeah, not a good sign.
  • One of the well known talking heads on CNBC today indicated that this recent run-up would send a signal to initiate a flood of money into stocks which had been on the sideline....

    RUT ROH!!
  • I can accept that the ad is proof that we should bail out of stocks in two years. Didn't we see ads like that in 2005 >/. Selling out then and staying out for years while the market went up and then getting back in near the lowsm would have been impressive but am not sure many did. Usually people who bail out will go in sooner than 4 years and if they don't they might have avoided not a big drop but a big gain
  • I just got a 36 month new auto loan for 1.49%. Most couldn't do that; I have a great credit score. Yes, I think many are living paycheck to pay check. That is the new normal. I don't see anything on the horizon that indicates that there is a top in the stock market.
  • "All crises have involved debt that, in one fashion or another, has become dangerously out of scale in relation to the underlying means of payment." John Kenneth Galbraith - A Short History of Financial Euphoria Historically, there is a lot of truth to that statement. Although I don't know if we've reached that point yet, commercials like this one are always a troubling sign.
  • edited July 2016
    "Proof That It May Be": a Quibble *

    How is it possible to have "proof" that something "may be"? Something certainly "may be" in the absence of proof to the contrary, in the presence of proof it either is or isn't.

    proof |proōf|
    1) evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement : you will be asked to give proof of your identity | this is not a proof for the existence of God.
    • Law the spoken or written evidence in a trial.
    • the action or process of establishing the truth of a statement : it shifts the onus of proof in convictions from the police to the public.

    * Shades of that great Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Quibbles"...
  • @OldJoe, You're right in that I probably should have used the word "evidence," although I think we could probably use the word proof as part of a larger series of "proofs" in some sort of scientific equation or theory wherein the individual proofs in the series justifying the theory have been verified but the final conclusion still is not certain. Does my grammatical hemming and hawing satisfy?:-)
  • @ Lewis: I thinking of writing you name in for President ! We don't have much in common, but I can't see myself voting for Hillary or Donald.
  • @LewisBraham- Yeah, I was just yanking your chain a little. Actually just wasting time trying to avoid chore list from the boss. I'd better get going on that now, if I want any dinner tonight...
  • @MFO My day wouldn't be complete without some nasty, bizarre ad hominem attacks from Ted! Please take a pill or something.
  • TedTed
    edited July 2016
    @Old_Joe: As you can see by his response to me, Louis has no sense of humor. I guess I'll have to vote for Gary Johnson. "nasty, bizarre ad hominem attacks". I think Louis needs a pill !
  • @Ted- Well, placing anyone in the company of either Hillary or Donald comes pretty close to a nasty, bizarre ad hominem attack, I'd have to say.
  • Hi guys!
    What a great thought, Ted! Who on this board would make a great President? And what would you promise? Well, the li'l Putin-y Duke says he wants to run. He said those of you who walk your dogs twice a day should get a dollar a mile extra in Social Security each month. If you have a lose! lol Also, all longnecks will be tax deductible up to $2000.00......(I think he's looking for votes here!). All ice cream and pies and cakes are tax deductible also, along with doggy treats......(is he going for the win or what??!). Lewis, you won't get Ted's vote, but I think the pup's got ya beat anyway! lol
    God bless
    the Pudd
    p.s. He said he's got a PAC.......not sure what that means. I saw a Rottie, Dobie and some Sheps outside earlier.......just saying.
  • Geesh--- I think maybe it's time for someone to consider backing off the sauce a little already!
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