Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
One thing the article did not address is if Clintons call for a raise in minimum wage to $12/hour, and raising women's pay to equal men would affect the stock market.
Would be an interesting perception vs reality natural experiment, although unknowable since we cannot alternate them over 2y or 3y.
Trump initially gets WS and WSJ types hyperexcited and talks the talk, that is before trade policy revolution occurs (if it were to) and mass expulsion of certain immigrants.
HRC gets even more ongoing vitriol from same types but historical market outperformance under Dem officerholders continues to prevail?
Lots of bad journalism (perhaps some good) is one outcome .
Lots of bad journalism (perhaps some good) is one outcome .
Having worked in the news biz I can tell you it will be lots of the bad. The problem is that the news biz of all types, print, broadcast, cable, internet, radio, have a huge amount of time to fill. Especially the internet sites need something to post to get your attention. To keep costs down, areas such as editors, research and fact checking have been cut to the bone or eliminated. The irony is that there are so many schools turning out broadcast majors you would think that there is a wealth of workers with the ability to produce quality work. The fact is that many of these students the lack the basic analytical skills and knowledge for the story they are assigned. Compound that with the cuts and you get a lot of the bad journalism and a lot of opinion that passes off as journalism.
In my opinion, a person who wanted to be a journalist would be better off getting a very good liberal arts education than majoring in broadcasting.
In the information age; good information is becoming more difficult to find.
Trump initially gets WS and WSJ types hyperexcited and talks the talk, that is before trade policy revolution occurs (if it were to) and mass expulsion of certain immigrants.
HRC gets even more ongoing vitriol from same types but historical market outperformance under Dem officerholders continues to prevail?
Lots of bad journalism (perhaps some good) is one outcome
The irony is that there are so many schools turning out broadcast majors you would think that there is a wealth of workers with the ability to produce quality work. The fact is that many of these students the lack the basic analytical skills and knowledge for the story they are assigned. Compound that with the cuts and you get a lot of the bad journalism and a lot of opinion that passes off as journalism.
In my opinion, a person who wanted to be a journalist would be better off getting a very good liberal arts education than majoring in broadcasting.
In the information age; good information is becoming more difficult to find.