I'm preparing a couple portfolios I would like evaluations of. The investments for these are already in Morningstar and Excel, and I think I have the option to convert to .pdf. The only way I am able to transfer this information is copy and paste, which skews the alignment making it much less readable. My only alternative now is to try and add spaces. I belong to several Forums which allows the downloading of files. Is there any chance this function could be added without additional cost? I'm pretty sure there are enough others in this forum who would love to have this capability also.
Cheers! OJ
Thanks for the feedback - appreciate it @Old_Joe and @CathyG
aniother little tip (perhaps useless, but here it is if you want it)
place an @ sign in front of a userhandle in your message and there will be an automatic clickable link to that user's profile
search for an item maybe - testing