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Current Republican Poll Shows A Rather Surprising Leader....



  • edited July 2015
    I've no idea what Trump stands for (excluding his pontifications re immigration and some bashing of the Pres. and a few others.). He has to my knowledge no track record in politics - not even as local drain commissioner.

    But, I'm enjoying his candidacy because he's at least rattling some of the dead wood in his party. There's a certain appeal in some of his outrageous statements.

    Today he remarked that he couldn't wait for his financial statements to be released (per law I guess). His reason: The media has been grossly "understating" his wealth and he wants everyone to know how rich he really is. That's something you won't hear from many pols - including the Clintons, who were "flat broke" when they left the White House.:)
  • I believe I read that he includes many billions for goodwill. I so hope that's the case.
  • "Hilary is corrupt, but thinks rules don't apply to her."

    @Scott- I prefer "Hilary is corrupt, and thinks rules don't apply to her."
  • edited July 2015
    While I have a lot of respect for many of the more traditional longer-standing Republican candidates, the same doesn't hold true for the core of underlings (some paid) who often rush to their aide. (I suspect that would be true of the Dems as well.)

    So, I find it most curious that as the "big guns" have remained silent or tempered their remarks, Trump is taking fire in the media from the likes of Judy Miller, Peggy Noonan and Reince Priebus. LOL.

    Haven't heard from the real low-life's, Dick Morris and Frank Luntz yet, but would imagine they're out ther throwing rocks as well!

    Politics is so fascinating - and so corrupt (in the broadest sense of that word).
  • edited July 2015
    All this does not matter. At the end of the day, like always, it is money that will talk. Jeb Bush and Hillary will win the nominations.

    IMO, the problem is Hillary needs to "manage" Bernie Sanders. VP might be problematic, but she has to find him something HE wants and can influence. Why? Because if she pisses him off by idiotic negative campaigning, he will run as an independent. If he does that, he will win Jeb the election, like Perot did for Clinton. If Sanders takes 20% of the vote as an independent, and he very well could do that easily, Hillary is toast, even if it is discovered Jeb has a scandal or two in the closet.
  • @VintageFreak- re your campaign analysis: that's pretty much the way that I read it also.
  • Because if she pisses him off by idiotic negative campaigning, he will run as an independent.

    What if the end-of-the-day goal is just to move her to the left a bit and force her to focus a bit more on substantive domestic policy (liberal)?
  • @Anna- the most that that goal could accomplish would be to force Hillary to modify her campaign a little to the left. If elected, she will revert to whatever she wants to without regard to campaign promises. He said, cynically.
  • >> will revert to whatever she wants

    Probably not, but if she did, that would probably seem pretty liberal to some, if you know the arc of her thinking over the years.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @Maurice- OK, I can go with that.
  • @Maurice: I got this joke in my E-Mail this morning. The first person I thought of was you as Hillary's #1 fan.
    Man died and went to heaven. As he
    stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks
    behind him. He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

    > St. Peter answered,
    "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the
    hands on your clock will move."

    > "Oh," said the man, "whose clock is

    > "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that
    she never told a lie."

    > "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that

    > St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have
    moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire Life."

    "Where's Hillary Clinton's clock?" asked the man.

    > "Hillary's clock is in
    Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling

  • @Ted- I'll let that one slide, and you know very well what I mean. Cut yourself a personal exemption, did you?
  • edited July 2015
    WTF - It was Ted who wanted us to avoid religious and political comments. Than he injects both in a single post. TED'S clock is SPINNING here.

    Com'on now! We all know that an "honest politician" is a rarity. The concept is damn near an oxymoron I'd say. To the extent that an honest politician exists, he/she would find it very hard to get elected.

    As Barack would put it: "You're honest enough Hillary.":)
  • @hank- Yeah, this sort of thing is why I don't take him too seriously. He likes to huff and puff and try to make this place run according to his desires, but then he does stuff like this and shoots himself in the foot. He's pretty much harmless, and does contribute quite a lot to the site.
  • edited July 2015
    (Thought that it might be fun to keep track of this over here, rather than under the original post.)

    Ted says: "Yet, for their own selfish interests a tiny few think this is a social site where anything goes including tabloid material, politics, religion, or whatever. That just drives away folks who come here for mutual fund news, commentary, and fund views."

    @Ted- Well, lessee now... Scott's current post "Current Republican Poll Shows A Rather Surprising Leader.... " currently has 304 views and 33 comments*. Sounds like that one attracted quite a few more than it "drove away". Do you have any, you know, um, "facts" I think they're called, to support your statement?

    *Edit/Add: Now 330 and 52. We're losing participants at an astonishing rate, Ted. That "tiny few" is just killing us!
  • @Old_Joe, Hank: If you can't beat them, join them !
  • All this does not matter. At the end of the day, like always, it is money that will talk. Jeb Bush and Hillary will win the nominations.

    At this point true. Sad but true.

    I think it will get interesting on the Dems side - Biden and others might get in.

    I know Bill C. wants H.C. to get in. Being called 'The First Gentleman', Mr. President and the First Black President will be a babe magnet.

  • edited July 2015

    Funny stuff. Good links.

    Probably some complex human psychology behind those popular public perceptions of Hillary. Maybe her personality, views on issues, being female, connection to Bill, or, perhaps, her glaring intelligence. Whatever the underlying roots - the perception exists.

    Opposition's propaganda machine is exceptional - with loads and loads of $$ behind it. You'll recall they at least partially created a public perception of "cowardly deserter" around a recent Presidential candidate who had served in VietNam with valor and had been awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts for his service. So - they're good at what they do. (However, I think Hillary is more than up to that crap.)

    Thanks for the fact-check links. Good stuff.


  • edited July 2015
    Anna said:

    Because if she pisses him off by idiotic negative campaigning, he will run as an independent.

    What if the end-of-the-day goal is just to move her to the left a bit and force her to focus a bit more on substantive domestic policy (liberal)?
    I'm trying to stay away from left/right/liberal debate since that's more of a matter of opinion on policy. I'm opining on people, and how they think, and most importantly the fact the difference between Ego and Self Respect is lost on most people. My simple definition

    Ego = Donald Trump
    Self Respect = Bernie Sanders

    Trump is running because he wants favors from some other republican candidate by throwing in his support behind him. If tomorrow you actually make him president, he will piss in his pants.

    I don't think Sanders is running for president to improve the size of his p****. Hillary would do well to show him some respect, and if she does that I think the election is hers to lose. Even those who don't like her still want Bill to be the First Husband:)
  • Has anyone noticed that Bernie is nudging Secretary Clinton a bit to the left? I don't recall her speaking about the income divide as strongly as she did today.

    Looks like the Bern is having a positive impact.
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