Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
I have recently starting using a video/screen capture tool in my threads. As an alternative to a link, sometimes incorporating a screen shot into your discussion is a lot more effective. Here is an example of a captured screen shot:
This screen shot is one of the portfolios I created using Yahoo Finance:
Bee, how you do that? Very cool! This would have been a big help when I was working with Accipiter on the summary page setup. Is there some way you can show or send me the formatting that allows you to include this in your post?
Add: Hadn't noticed your "how to" video post but unfortunately that one doesnt seem to work. Maybe take a screenshot of your html language and post that?
Add 2: Well, great minds and all that... you did that about the same time as I posted. Visited the Jing site- unfortunately my older Mac OS can't support the app.(
I have used Jing as a way to instruct students. It is free downloadable software that provides the user the option of creating screenshots. You capture the screen shot, upload it as embedded html code to Jing's server and then paste (Ctrl-V) the embedded html into the discussion box. Here's jings website:
Add: Hadn't noticed your "how to" video post but unfortunately that one doesnt seem to work. Maybe take a screenshot of your html language and post that?
Add 2: Well, great minds and all that... you did that about the same time as I posted. Visited the Jing site- unfortunately my older Mac OS can't support the app.
Thanks for the info, anyhow. Maybe someday...
Hi OJ,
I have used Jing as a way to instruct students. It is free downloadable software that provides the user the option of creating screenshots. You capture the screen shot, upload it as embedded html code to Jing's server and then paste (Ctrl-V) the embedded html into the discussion box. Here's jings website:
Here's Old Joe captured using on the image which is a hyperlink to Techsmith's website:
This is the code it embedded with the brackets removed for viewing:
!-- copy and paste. Modify height and width if desired. -- a href=""img class="embeddedObject" src="" width="168" height="94" border="0" //a
Jing has a very cool video option as well that I am trying to get to work on MFO.