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  • edited January 2015
    Visa beats and announces 4-for-1 stock split. Google disappoints AH, Amazon doesn't disappoint (for once.)
  • edited January 2015
    Visa is amazing.

    As is Apple.


    Amazon...? Well, like you, I just wish Bezos would focus a bit. Lately, seems all over the place...and not in a good way. Feeling that way a bit about Google as well.

    That said, glad to see AMZN not disappoint, finally.

  • Yes, a good up day. That kind of a bumpy year so far. Down, up, down, up. Day to day anyway.
  • Boeing just got the order for the new AF1. 747-8 Intercontinental. After that they'll probably shut that line down.

    The Deamliner orders are piling in. The 787-9 is going to be a big hit. The next gen 777 will be too. Good company to own.
  • "Good company to own. " Yes, until China figures out how to make a decent airplane. But that's most likely a few years off yet.
  • Old_Joe said:

    "Good company to own. " Yes, until China figures out how to make a decent airplane. But that's most likely a few years off yet.

    I think so. Their aircraft manufacturing is limited to military planes I think. The business for them would be manufacturing aircraft parts or assemblies. Similar to how Mitsubishi and other Japanese companies are making parts for Boeing.

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