Started today. Frequently, but not always, clicking my MFO link takes me first to another site. It redirects to MFO in 5 seconds. A full page comes up briefly on Ipad (IOS 8) that says: "Checking your connection before accessing Mutual Fund This process is automatic. Your server will redirect to your requested content shortly. ... DOsS protection by CloudFlare"
Anybody know what that is? I cleared the cache without results. Haven't had a chance to phone Apple tech yet.
(I was able to take a screen shot of that message before it disappeared)
You may remember that MFO and other sites were apparently victims of such attacks some months ago. Perhaps CloudFlare is automatically checking the site traffic status to detect and possibly deter such attacks.
BTW, lately I notice that pulling up MFO frequently seems to require two attempts- the first attempt seems to "hang" indefinitely; the second works quite quickly. (When I was first learning electronics fifty years ago we attributed things like this to "gremlins". Perhaps they've evolved along with the technology,)
If running Safari, make sure the No Pop Up preference is on. Also check for Cloud Flare cookies and delete them.
I am assuming this happens on other browsers as well?
Thanks. I sent you a copy. Issue has cleared up for now.
Thanks. I researched the message and found some information from CloudFlare.
The short version is that CloudFlare is trying to protect our site from attack. Unfortunately, there are some false-positives, where CloudFlare mistakes a visitor for a threat. If it's happening regularly, they advise us to whitelist your IP address with CloudFlare, and that will fix it. So, let me know if it starts happening again.
Suspect just an isolated case of over-vigilance on their part.
Thanks again. hank