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Which energy etf would you buy? XLE, VDE or ? Non-MLP types.....

edited January 2015 in Fund Discussions
XLE and VDE are about a coin toss for ER at .16 and .12 . XLE has 44 holdings and VDE has 144; being all of the big energy companies. I also reviewed IYE, with similar holdings, but an ER of .45%.

Both XLE and VDE may be "played" with options, too. Not by this house, but by others.

All of these moved about +3.2% with last Friday's close

Thank you for your considerations.



  • hello sir
    not much difference the two

    we do have VDE in our portfolio for quite awhile and happy with it. But I think you'll be happy with either one of them [split 50:50?]
    good luck
  • You might look at FENY, the Fidelity Energy ETF and possibly Schwab has one as well. The Fidelity offering trades free of charge if you have an account there.
  • edited January 2015
    Hi Catch,

    Of the funds that have been mentioned, I would probably go with XLE. Another fund to consider would be PXI which bounced very well off the March 2009 low. If you really believe in the energy sector and have either a stop-loss or stop-limit sell order in place, then I would look at UCO (2X) or even UWTI (3X).

    I like this SCREENER for ETFs.

  • Hi @Mark and @kevindow

    Mark, I did exclude FENY in error; as we would be using our Fido IRA brokerage accts. for any purchase in this sector. Thank you for shaking my brain cells.

    Kevindow, thank you for the notations regarding these other etfs to consider.

    Note: We will continue to monitor this sector. NYMEX crude is down again this morning by about -2.4%; and one may expect a lot of bouncing in this current environment of pricing, IMO. As a form of bottom fishing in this area, we would likely average into this sector; with a goal (within a few months) to have at least 5% of total portfolio exposure to be meaningful.

    With our current equity exposure mix, we remain U.S. centered (although many holdings have global exposure, of course) with 40% healthcare, 38% broadbased (80% large cap) and 22% real estate.

    I expect an "interesting" year and had thought that 2015 might be a time to reduce investment grade bonds. I don't find that waving flag just yet.:)

    Take care,
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