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As a representative sampling; one Fidelity fund was positive today, list linked

edited December 2014 in Fund Discussions
Now, regardless of what one thinks about Fido funds; this list is indicative of the market today; no matter the investment center. Some dogs merely barked louder than others.....
If you choose to sort the list in a particular category, click upon the "NAV Change %" column to sort % changes from worst to best or vice versa. As you scroll down the list, various fund sector groupings appear. For each new grouping, one has to click upon the "NAV Change %" column to sort the %'s for that group. Also, there are redundant funds in this list for a few different fund classes.

Fido daily pricing list

Sadly, some of the recent market actions remind me of late 2007. YUCK! Not much was safe today, unless one was invested in shorts or inverse positions.

Our only holding that is holding on is DPLO, Diplomat Pharmacy; which continues to reward.

In Michigan, I am dreaming of more than a white Christmas.:)

Take care,


  • pardon blindness, but I see none no matter how I click that col, so were you going to tell us? I am missing something.
  • FSAIX: What do I win? Link working here.
  • edited December 2014
    I do think it's pretty cool that airline companies/stocks are finally figuring it out.

    Only took greatest destruction of capital in free world for what...20-30 years?
  • edited December 2014
    @Derf You did win and your prize is that you get to keep that money; at least for today.:) Congratulations.

    I rewrote part of the notation about sorting the column % return for the current day.
  • Perhaps it is double vision, but I see two funds - both Select, both transport, but one general (FSRFX), and Derf's air transport (FSAIX). Same manager, but the former holds Norfolk Southern.

    You don't think fuel prices (and airlines continuing to add on fuel surcharges) has anything to do with these stocks doing well?
  • FSRFX too, as a result, looks like, right? Derf, thanks.
    JC, you misread my question; I got to the site and cols fine, just missed the two in my sort scrutiny. Or maybe it was catch's fix.
  • I counted the two transport funds as redundant for purposes of the review.:)
    Some pretty stinky numbers all around, eh?
  • Yes indeed, generally awful performance lately.
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