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The Top 25 Socially Conscious Funds

edited December 2014 in Fund Discussions


  • Thanks Ted,

    That was "socially conscientious" of you. Many funds here to like!
  • edited December 2014
    Why is Ariel fund a socially conscious fund? The parent company donates some money to an inner city school...

    Is the term socially conscious changing?
  • edited December 2014
    00BY said:

    Why is Ariel fund a socially conscious fund? The parent company donates some money to an inner city school...

    I'd suggest reading the prospectus to see what they say. In the past, they've employed a few negative SRI-ish screens. SRI/ESG funds are all so different; they just don't fit in a single box.
  • edited December 2014
    Okay, they avoid tobacco and firearms. Different types I guess. Thanks
  • "social consciousness" is fine.... donate to a tree farm or a school, don't put your investment money in them...separate "social" from business
  • @ Tampabay: I agree with you 100%.
  • Advice received from a former broker: invest in large companies that pollute.
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