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Biotech ETFs are Red Hot.



  • I received a note back from Matthews thanking me for my interest and telling me they share my excitement for healthcare in Asia... but they're not planning an Asian healthcare fund. I also realized iShares closed a lot of international/emerging markets sector ETFs earlier this year because there wasn't so much interest. They didn't have a healthcare ETF but maybe if other sectors aren't popular enough as focused investments outside the US then healthcare might not be a great idea either.

    @JohnChisum, you're right about the aging question. Japan is probably in the worst shape of the whole world in terms of aging but much of the rest of Asia is not. Part of what I was thinking, however, is that healthcare is largely a demographics game so the huge populations and even growing populations in Asia should be good for healthcare, although it may be different types of healthcare companies that benefit most in India compared to Japan. When you consider a rising middle class in many places, that should also help, although based on my experience people will put up with relatively poor healthcare for a long time even as wealth rises and people have more money to spend.
  • It sounds like the best you can do now is buy into a fund that that a good percentage of healthcare in it. Matthews has some. Thinking on the subject a bit more, healthcare here would be mostly a volume issue as more and more people can afford it. As an example, a relative of ours works in a kidney dialysis unit in a larger hospital. They are quite busy with two shifts a day. Ten years ago this was not the case. Most kidney patients had to go to Manila. This is in another major city on Mindanao. They have started heart and brain surgeries also which also were only available before in a couple of hospitals nationwide. While this is a good area to watch the biggest bang will still be in biotech, bionics, and anything that is future related. The US, Australia and Europe will lead in those areas.

    Thanks for the follow up @LLJB.
  • LLJB said:

    @JohnChisum, you're right about the aging question. Japan is probably in the worst shape of the whole world in terms of aging but much of the rest of Asia is not.

    I don't own it, but Parkway Life is a healthcare REIT with hospitals and other facilities in Asia, including a lot of nursing homes in Japan. Interesting way to play Japan's aging population with a decent yield. Trades in Singapore, but there is a pink sheet share class in the US.
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