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Political lying now approved in Ohio.....makes me proud to be a veteran
@Catch, Ever since a former president spoke that famous line, "it all depends on what the meaning of is is", the meaning of truth has been destroyed.
I just heard John Kerry (Lurch) say that this is not a war against terror but rather a counter terrorism operation. Just like Korea was just a police action? Tell that to anyone who served during that time or in any war since.
Well, it all depends on what the meaning of war is. The services conduct "police actions", and the police (sometimes) conduct war. You gotta give the gumm't some flexibility, fellas!
"Lurch", indeed. That's not nice. (But I have to admit... )
Yea I am not a fan of the militarization of the police. Especially when every department and agency has their own "police" force these days. Does the department of education really need their own force? Of course they don't call it that but instead it their enforcement arm.
Seriously, I think that you and I have a lot of common ground with respect to government overreach. The very idea that a communications company can be threatened with a $250k per day penalty for not turning over client traffic, and is not allowed to even make that situation known to the public, is, as far as I'm concerned, a complete subversion of the basic foundations of this country, and a seriously impeachable offense.
The CEOs of those companies should have gotten together and agreed to tell the government to either back off or that they ALL would go public, and let the chips start to fall. It's absurd that it takes a Snowden to bring this sort of thing to the front pages.
The difference between that US situation and Russia would be exactly what?
@Old_Joe, I totally agree. That difference is becoming blurred. I feel it every time we travel and the TSA goons are barking orders at us like chattel. It's dehumanizing. This is surely not the same country I grew up in.
Seriously, I think that you and I have a lot of common ground with respect to government overreach. The very idea that a communications company can be threatened with a $250k per day penalty for not turning over client traffic, and is not allowed to even make that situation known to the public, is, as far as I'm concerned, a complete subversion of the basic foundations of this country, and a seriously impeachable offense.
The CEOs of those companies should have gotten together and agreed to tell the government to either back off or that they ALL would go public, and let the chips start to fall. It's absurd that it takes a Snowden to bring this sort of thing to the front pages.
The difference between that US situation and Russia would be exactly what?
Sorry but this is borderline Fascist. And unbelievable.
Wow, blame back to Clinton, nod to Snowden, TSA- and Kerry-bashing --- wild, and all on Sept 11. I *am* glad not to be a near-Cincinnati buckeye anymore, that's true, for any number of pol reasons.
I just heard John Kerry (Lurch) say that this is not a war against terror but rather a counter terrorism operation. Just like Korea was just a police action? Tell that to anyone who served during that time or in any war since.
"Lurch", indeed. That's not nice. (But I have to admit...
The CEOs of those companies should have gotten together and agreed to tell the government to either back off or that they ALL would go public, and let the chips start to fall. It's absurd that it takes a Snowden to bring this sort of thing to the front pages.
The difference between that US situation and Russia would be exactly what?