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*Possible* situation with Apple/iCloud (Celebrity Picture Hack)
If you didn't already know, pictures of a small army of female celebrities hit the interwebs this weekend, including nude pics of Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and others.
The story is that there is now discussion that the pics were from hacked iCloud accounts. If that's actually true, may make for an interesting story in the market/interesting larger scale discussion about the security of "the cloud".
I wasn't aware people store their nude photos in the cloud. More to the point - this hacking is getting bad. It will be interesting to see how Apple resolves this.
Good discussion on CNBC last week (knowledgable interviewee) regarding a large organized crime syndicate in Russia that's been breaking into U.S. banks and stealing vast amounts of consumer data including user names, passwords, and Social Security numbers. Essentially, they first "test drive" the info to be sure it will work by initiating innocuous online activity in your name without stealing any money. Some of this initial probing shows up in the form of "inquiries" when you scan through your credit report. If you don't recognize who's making the inquiry and for what reason, look into it. Than, they bundle the "good" data into large packages (hundreds of accounts per package) and sell this on the black market to smaller criminals who perform the actual thefts. I'd imagine these smaller guys purchase maybe a hundred of these data-sets with the expectation that two or three will strike pay dirt. Hope you're not one of the unfortunates who gets wiped out.
We've had some first hand experience with the first part (probing), but were able to change passwords and take other measures before any actual thefts occurred. Hey, it's a dangerous world out there.
Seriously though, I have no sympathy for anyone who uses "free" service on the internet and expects privacy.
How many dog-lovers out there? How many chose THAT question as a Security Question for your bank account to reclaim password? How many share their stories about their cute dog on Facebook? And then after that how many have their accounts hacked?
WHICH is the bigger problem? If Selena Gomez did not want want her nude photo stolen, she shouldn't have had it taken.
Reply to VF. Point well taken. However, these folks might not have realized these photos uploaded to the cloud. With my Ipad 3rd gen, if you turn on the ICloud backup the "automatic" backup is the default setting - so you're backing up everything on the device continuously without having to do anything. That includes photos, music, contacts, etc.
Related - I was surprised to discover that all my photos on this newer device (no nudes:-) had mysteriously appeared on an old I Pad 1 which I rarely use. It's an antiquated "spare" device - and yet the Apple system seems designed to continually sync all your devices.
In a NUT shell, these folks could have been horsing around with those photos using the iPad camera feature and not really comprehended that the photos had been stored in Apple's cloud. Anyway - my sympathy to folks whose privacy is so invaded by this technology. Brave new world! Maybe trash all our devices and go back to everything on paper? Gotta think the banks would love that. Regards.
I must be getting old. I never heard if half of these so called celebrities.
It hasn't affected AAPL stock price. It's having a very good day so far. Volume is up lately ahead of the Sept 9 event.
As a user of Apple products including iCloud, the first and most important thing to do is to have a strong password. Devices including wireless routers are vulnerable and people wonder how they got hacked when they use a 1-2-3 password.
It's going to get worse. The Russians and Chinese are working overtime to hack into anything worth doing so.
"When our bank accounts and brokerage accounts are hit hard, FDIC and SIPC will be rethinking things as well. How many in the Congress and Administration will be saying, "we never saw that coming"? "
FYI; This article by Chuck Jaffe was posted on 8/30/14 at 1:00 PM. Sorry I had to make this so short, but I need to get back to answering my high speed internet E-Mails from my legions of fans. Oh ! that remind me, I need to get some more 8x10 glossies of myself to autograph.
>FYI; This article by Chuck Jaffe was posted on 8/30/14 at 1:00 PM
I must have missed your post, I searched in off-topic, but you posted in Fund discussions but it was not a discussion about funds, hence I posted in off-topic in this thread.
you might want to send the Tulsa World a note about this as well. I'm sure they would want to know. (be sure to include link date and time as well as view count).
>but I need to get back to answering my high speed internet E-Mails from my legions of fans.
I don't use e-mail but if I did I would send fan e-mail as well.
Life is too short for you to worry about these mundane things, isn't it. i.e. - what people are posting in off-topic. - it might even have an impact on the portfolio, that is patrolling off-topic threads, which are inherently off-topic.
> I need to get some more 8x10 glossies of myself to autograph.
One can never get enough autographed photos of ones self or selfies. You Probably got a few hundred photo albums,. I don't have a camera, but if I did I'd do the same as you maybe, but probably not.
"you might want to send the Tulsa World a note about this as well. I'm sure they would want to know. (be sure to include link date and time as well as view count)." No, next time you speak with David, have him explain to you news article syndication !.
Yes John. Thing is, most of this discussion is "live". Real ordinary people giving their opinions. I enjoy beer over champaign. Don't know about everyone else.
BTW - I'm stunned, if indeed Apple's cloud was breeched - as it appears. As for relevance ... Is anybody here still doing financial transactions using paper & telephones? Seems like 99% of investors would be interested in internet security issues.
The only way to punish hackers is for someone to hack the cloud and post naked pictures of everyone at MFO. That's teach hackers not to hack the cloud.
@hank, even if you use a telephone or paper these days, eventually it goes digital along the way.
BTW, Apple has sent out a release saying that the iCloud system was not breached but that certain celebrities were targeted and hacked. I'm not a tech expert but considering the affected were all famous it seems to be a good point. So many of these people live on Twitter and FB among other places so privacy might be difficult for these people.
Maybe this is a delayed reaction on the iCloud news but AAPL is taking a bearing early on down 2.28%.
I think it's part the iCloud situation, but part possibly people taking profits before the presentation (which is I think the 6th or 9th?) for new products. Buy the rumor, sell the news - that sort of thing. Probably a buying opportunity for AAPL fans.
While most of the peek-a-boo snapshots I saw (circa 8) lacked redeeming value (IMO; sorry, I can't cite any ref. for it), I felt the "Verlander Phallus, in silhouette" was pure artistic portraiture. Almost iconic in form, it did not need to "get a life;" unlike some of us, Ted, it very much appeared to have plenty of life already, standing on its own merits.
More to the point - this hacking is getting bad. It will be interesting to see how Apple resolves this.
Good discussion on CNBC last week (knowledgable interviewee) regarding a large organized crime syndicate in Russia that's been breaking into U.S. banks and stealing vast amounts of consumer data including user names, passwords, and Social Security numbers. Essentially, they first "test drive" the info to be sure it will work by initiating innocuous online activity in your name without stealing any money. Some of this initial probing shows up in the form of "inquiries" when you scan through your credit report. If you don't recognize who's making the inquiry and for what reason, look into it. Than, they bundle the "good" data into large packages (hundreds of accounts per package) and sell this on the black market to smaller criminals who perform the actual thefts. I'd imagine these smaller guys purchase maybe a hundred of these data-sets with the expectation that two or three will strike pay dirt. Hope you're not one of the unfortunates who gets wiped out.
We've had some first hand experience with the first part (probing), but were able to change passwords and take other measures before any actual thefts occurred. Hey, it's a dangerous world out there.
Seriously though, I have no sympathy for anyone who uses "free" service on the internet and expects privacy.
How many dog-lovers out there? How many chose THAT question as a Security Question for your bank account to reclaim password? How many share their stories about their cute dog on Facebook? And then after that how many have their accounts hacked?
WHICH is the bigger problem? If Selena Gomez did not want want her nude photo stolen, she shouldn't have had it taken.
Related - I was surprised to discover that all my photos on this newer device (no nudes:-) had mysteriously appeared on an old I Pad 1 which I rarely use. It's an antiquated "spare" device - and yet the Apple system seems designed to continually sync all your devices.
In a NUT shell, these folks could have been horsing around with those photos using the iPad camera feature and not really comprehended that the photos had been stored in Apple's cloud. Anyway - my sympathy to folks whose privacy is so invaded by this technology. Brave new world! Maybe trash all our devices and go back to everything on paper? Gotta think the banks would love that. Regards.
It hasn't affected AAPL stock price. It's having a very good day so far. Volume is up lately ahead of the Sept 9 event.
As a user of Apple products including iCloud, the first and most important thing to do is to have a strong password. Devices including wireless routers are vulnerable and people wonder how they got hacked when they use a 1-2-3 password.
It's going to get worse. The Russians and Chinese are working overtime to hack into anything worth doing so.
It's going to get worse. The Russians and Chinese are working overtime to hack into anything worth doing so.
Big Brother is watching!
You forgot the US government and all large corporations also have access to stored data - directly or indirectly.
Yep, once again we agree.
and because they are being hacked, it is shared....
you may need to cut out ice cream as well
edited: news syndication delay...
I've linked it to your life-giving forces fund-related link as well.
teapot to kettle ....
"For a Covetous Man to inveigh against Prodigality... is for the Pot to call the Kettle black."
William Penn
I must have missed your post, I searched in off-topic, but you posted in Fund discussions but it was not a discussion about funds, hence I posted in off-topic in this thread.
you might want to send the Tulsa World a note about this as well. I'm sure they would want to know.
>but I need to get back to answering my high speed internet E-Mails from my legions of fans.
I don't use e-mail but if I did I would send fan e-mail as well.
Life is too short for you to worry about these mundane things, isn't it. i.e. - what people are posting in off-topic. - it might even have an impact on the portfolio, that is patrolling off-topic threads, which are inherently off-topic.
> I need to get some more 8x10 glossies of myself to autograph.
One can never get enough autographed photos of ones self or selfies. You Probably got a few hundred photo albums,. I don't have a camera, but if I did I'd do the same as you maybe, but probably not.
BTW - I'm stunned, if indeed Apple's cloud was breeched - as it appears. As for relevance ... Is anybody here still doing financial transactions using paper & telephones? Seems like 99% of investors would be interested in internet security issues.
BTW, Apple has sent out a release saying that the iCloud system was not breached but that certain celebrities were targeted and hacked. I'm not a tech expert but considering the affected were all famous it seems to be a good point. So many of these people live on Twitter and FB among other places so privacy might be difficult for these people.