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Walthausen Select Value

Given the recent out-performance in small caps, especially the Walthausen Small Cap Value Fund (WSCVX), I am considering selling it in favor of the Walthausen Select Value Fund (WSVRX). Asset size is much lower ($39 million vs. $853 million) for WSVRX and the fund focuses more on larger cap stocks. Plus you still get the excellent stock picking of the Walthausen Company. Any opinions?



  • I own both. When WSCVX was hot, WSVRX was a little cool. Last year it was the latter that was hot. I agree with the wag who said the manager buys boring, unspectacular companies. But the results are anything but.
  • I'm guessing you've read our profile of the fund. If not, here's Walthausen Select Value.

  • David

    Yes, your website is where I first read of Walthausen Select Value.

    It seems like a good time to move into larger caps and I'm glad I can still use the stock picking geniuses behind Walthausen Small Cap Value.

  • Maybe Mr. Snowball or anyone else can answer a question that puzzles me. How does Mr. Walthausen decide which fund to buy what and where does he hold his best idea's. For example, let's say he comes across a small cap company that looks very compelling to him. Which fund will he purchase it in and why?
  • It appears that everyone else is just as puzzled as I am since no one can answer my question. Maybe this would be a great question for Mr. Snowball to ask Mr. Walthausen.
  • From the Walthausen website and fact sheets, Select Value has a market cap limit of $5B, and a soft total securities limit of between 40 or 50.

    Small Cap Value has a cap limit of $2B, and currently holds over 80 securities.

    There looks to substantial overlap in some names. They each have the same top holding.
  • Thanks for your reply mrdarcey. I was unable to find that info. that you provided on their website. According to Morningstar, each fund had a different top holding as of 1/31/14 and only 1 common stock among their top 5 holdings. WSCVX had 56.45% invested in small market cap and WSVRX had 55.45% invested in small market cap. I appreciate the info you provided, but we still don't have an answer. Thank's also to JimJ for bringing WSVRX to my attention.
  • His website certainly isn't very intuitive.

    Basic info here

    Fact sheets here

    The fact sheets date from 3/31, so I'm willing to bet they are more accurate than M*.

    There is also contact info, including a phone # and personal email here
  • I didn't see the fact sheets. Thank you very much, mrdarcey! Maybe I will try and contact them as well.
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