I'm wondering what equity funds my betters here own in their taxable accounts. So, fess up. Secondly, how are you researching tax efficiency? I thought the tax-efficiency section of the lipper leader scorecard was the way to go, until i did a few searches here and saw people recommending funds that have an efficiency rating of 2, where I'd think 4s or 5s would be best. Maybe I'm missing something.
While searching here I also came across a post that suggested that the ***best*** fund to own in a taxable acct is the most-tax-efficient one that you'll never be tempted to sell (since, of course, selling causes capital gains) and that an index fund like vgtsx is possibly the best way to go. So let's maybe also add that to the initial wonderment. Do you own any taxable account funds that your in your heart of hearts you can never see selling?
For the funds that you think you like, find the closest ETF(s) that match or are similar to it. Winnow down your choices, based on ER, NTF at your broker, etc... and then buy them.