Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Reply to @Charles: Very, very worrisome. We're SF/CA natives, and been through a number of droughts, but I really can't remember any year when we didn't have at least some rain & snow by this time. This morning's Chronicle said that San Jose's Almaden reservoir is down to 5% capacity. Don't look good...
Xeriscape, bow before Dr. Carrier's picture occasionally, flush less (shower with friends??), buy land in southern Oregon (coastal, not inland; it's already dry) for your heirs. It's global warming, baby (I'm channeling Dick Vitale). I know my aging memory is faulty, but I swear we had more snow days off school in Indiana than they do now. I think there is a change. Heck, you were already off topic.
Ditto for all leaders in civil service. For that matter, leaders in industry too!
Happy New Year Old_Joe!
Break, break.
Hey, when are we gonna get some rain?
Can't take many more of these California Days...72 and sunny
I know my aging memory is faulty, but I swear we had more snow days off school in Indiana than they do now. I think there is a change.
Heck, you were already off topic.