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Actually in that collection I don't think MFLDX and certainly AQRNX don't belong. One did a shareholder unfriendly thing, and one is shareholder unfriendly period.
Amen to that! Unless you want to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe the markets 24 hours a day. And I mean that literally. Over the years have seen all these investors congregate in the same funds such as the aforementioned Whitebox as well as other *crowd* favorites ala RSIVX, ARIVX, MFLDX, WAFMX, RPHYX, AQRNX, and the granddaddy of them all PRPFX. Not exactly a prescription for a wealthy retirement. I just hope it won't be the same sad story with the latest fave GPMCX.
Amen to that! Unless you want to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe the markets 24 hours a day. And I mean that literally. Over the years have seen all these investors congregate in the same funds such as the aforementioned Whitebox as well as other *crowd* favorites ala RSIVX, ARIVX, MFLDX, WAFMX, RPHYX, AQRNX, and the granddaddy of them all PRPFX. Not exactly a prescription for a wealthy retirement. I just hope it won't be the same sad story with the latest fave GPMCX.@VF - I know you saw it coming, sorry to offend. I asked Charles because I thought he was one of the believers.
I have to wonder though if Mr. Buffett has been right all along. Just stick your money in an S&P 500 index and go live your life. If the smart people in the room with all the toys and tools can't get this stuff right who do I think I'm fooling. Some pondering I must do.
Mona: "I am still trying to understand why all the ink on MFO on RSIVX and not a drop on ASHIX ...."
Hi Mona, the Allianz fund is mentioned in this thread, and a few others. Search on ASHDX to find them, as that seems to be the share class people have referred to. Funny, the ASHDX share class doesn't trigger as a valid ticker now; it used to.
The big difference is that Allianz is into higher quality junk.
Cheers, AJ
Edit: Huh. ASHDX doesn't trigger because, apparently, the D share class doesn't exist anymore - at least neither M* nor Fidelity recognizes it now. There's an A share class that Fido offers load-waived - ASHAX.
Higher potential return almost always translates into higher risk. That's what you're being compensated for.
Of course, water has been known to run uphill.
Nice to see you posting again Mona.
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