Yet Another Fund Selection Criterion? I myself don't see how FPACX is such a bleedin' winner compared with GLRBX, JABAX, ICMBX, and ARLSX, but maybe that's just me and the stick I have about Romick holding so much cash and overcharging for it and not clearly outperforming.
Anyway, re
>> Does historical performance in past bull and bear markets have any practical forecasting merit?
I have been trying to follow the outcome of the recently announced SP500 persistence backtest methodology but have not found the bottom line (maybe I have to pay) --- so what managers do consistently superior work??
Since I buy managers, so to speak, I did do my own crude quickcheck of my ancient faves, both held and ditched, and thus offer to the group this fwiw:
When I compared GABEX, YACKX, FLPSX, PRBLX with SP500 over 19, 13/14/15/16, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and ytd, I found that all of them regularly beat SP500 with the following exceptions and notes: PRBLX, GABEX lagged slightly @ 4y, they plus YACKX did the same at 3y, *only* PRBLX and GABEX outperformed at 2y, but then all outperformed or tied at 1y and ytd, same as long ago but less dramatic.
So what do I conclude? Well, only that I am glad to currently hold those four funds (I traded in GABEX for PRBLX) and am glad that all do well ulcerwise.
I also checked hoary good funds (don't know about manager constancy) that I have ditched. Again fwiw:
TWEIX, JENSX, DODGX, FCNTX (various managers but almost always pretty solid), WVALX, TORYX, and SSHFX: all were much iffier compared with SP500 over the last 19 years. The last three have been stronger more recently, but not enough for me to care. I want to see near, long and longer strength.
So there you have an informal and unrigorous look trying to dupe the SP persistence data.
I also believe in paying for downside protection, and the four I now hold as I enter retirement all offer that, to an extent, compared with indexes even div indexes. Nobody talks much about that. I will pay for that bigtime. Gabelli is always hammered for being expensive, e.g., but check his downside stats.
Thoughts appreciated.
Stupid Question on ARCNX Okay I have my answer to original question. M* has a bug in their database. Or are ANALysing and coming up with those numbers. It's Holding page for ARCNX is blank. This fund is 100% invested. I don't care to look at PCRIX because I know the real issue now.
As far as ARCNX performance is concerned they have lost over 15%. They are targetting maximum drawdown of 15%. So they have already broken their promise (again forget M* YTD number, just go on AQR site). If this fund drops 20% YTD, then I'm going to sell and invest in commodity index fund instead. The DD was important for me when I invested. Same reason I bought ARLSX. You need to keep the manager honest.
Anyone have any mutual fund suggestion for commodity indexing, please let me know. I don't do ETFs. Just in case, want to be ready.
Portfolio Change- Advice is Welcome! Heather, I would suggest looking hard at some that have not been mentioned, which I hold, which generally have the lower risk and higher capture you seek. Not to expand your choices :) . I agree getting holdings under 10 would be a goal.
But I also would stick with a manager for a long time if he or she has the savvy, no matter what the press or others say. (Being 66 and forcibly semiretired, I recently sold some funds run by Heebner and Gabelli, guys intermittently unpopular and dumped on, funds which for me went from 5k ~>20 years ago to 175k, emphasizing to me the virtue of unwavering holding despite press and scuttlebut; I have invested with Tillinghast as long or longer, same thing, and nobody much mentions Flpsx on MFO.)
Anyway, some others to investigate: Glrbx, Jabax, Mapox, Icmbx (courtesy MFO), and the handy Aor and its siblings. Others have mentioned Prblx but not so much Yaffx. And yes, I have recently been exchanging into Arlsx. Not to clutter your mind, just some alternative thoughts. And another yes, <<30% in bond things for your earning years.
Assessing my watchlist of alternative funds I have a M* watch list of alternative type funds. I'm intrigued by the idea of a fund being able to navigate different economic cycles to give steady positive results. The last 3 months, both the bond and stock markets have been pretty volatile. So short term results for these funds, though not a true testament of the fund, are pretty interesting. Charles could do a much better analysis the last 3 months, but here is some simple comparisons.
I'll add VFINX as a market comparison and FPACX, one of my favorite funds where the manager has great flexibility. Ranked by best 1 month and worst 1 month.
comps: 1m 3m
VFINX -3.1 2.9
FPACX -1.8 3.0
best: 1m 3m
HSGFX 2.4 0.4
MFLDX -0.6 2.2
WBLSX -0.8 2.1
HSTRX -0.9 -6.5
RGHVX -1.6 2.5
worst: 1m 3m
AQRIX -8.9 -9.6
ABRIX -5.8 -5.4
PAUDX -5.1 -5.9
PRPFX -4.9 -8.1
PASDX -4.8 -4.2
others on my watch list that fell in the middle of best and worst: PGDPX, ARLSX
My take-away from this is that the much talked about alternatives just didn't hold up (AQRIX, ABRIX, PAUDX, PRPFX). My favorite manager and fund, FPACX, did just fine, which makes me think why not just stick with the tried and true performer. I would never touch HSGFX again, just because it only does well in bear markets - but in this comparison it did well. MFLDX is a very nice alternative fund as many here have said in the past. And lastly, I bought into RGHVX after David's commentary on the fund. It has been relatively volatile, but looking back 1 and 3 months, has weathered the storm fairly well.
Recent results - Whitebox as a diversifier Hi Mike. I like WBMIX and I like the intellect and frankness of the shop, which Scott introduced us to. I think ARLSX makes for better diversification and suspect WBMIX correlates more with equities. That said, Mr. Redleaf has a lot of authority and if he assesses right, could be ok. Recently I chose ARLSX over WBMIX, but still attracted to WBMIX and may look for opportunity to get back in. Available at Schwab for no load at somewhat tolerable ER of 1.36, but better than the 1.75 ER for ARLSX. One gripe I have with Whitebox is that while I love their quarterly commentaries, they take forever to update them. For example, it's June and they are still showing only 4Q12. ASTON does a better job in this department. A gripe I have ASTON is their high minimums for institutional shares, $1M in case of ALSIX.
Recent results - Whitebox as a diversifier I think your numbers are wrong or stale.
ARLSX down 0.7%
HSGFX up 0.58%
WBLSX up 0.10%
WBMIX down 0.64%
FMLSX down 0.89%
VFINX down 1.43%
As of May 31st.
Recent results - Whitebox as a diversifier I put WBLSX and WBMIX on my watch list with quite a bit of skepticism. But looking very short term, they are holding up pretty well as alternative diversification. There have been a couple other recent posts about diversifiers and where to go in place of bonds. These funds were never mentioned.
Yesterday was an interesting signal. I have 4 L/S funds on my list. WBLSX, HSGFX, ARLSX adn FMLSX. In yesterday's late dive, WBLSX along with HSGFX were in the green. Over a pretty bumpy stock market week, WBLSX pulled out a +1.6% return. The controversial HSGFX was also in the green at +0.8%. FMLSX was slightly positive, +.2% and ARLSX was -0.2%. In comparison, the VFINX was -1.1%.
The positive comparison of HSGFX and WBLSX pretty much ends when looking back the last 3 months when the market did very well. Looks to me like HSGFX will only be decent in a prolonged bear market. Whitebox looks like it may do well longer term in market cycles. Again in comparison to equities, (VFINX gained over 8% n the last 3 months) WBLSX was a positive 5.3%. HSGFX was slightly in the red. WBMIX actually gained most of the markets returns gaining +6.6% over the last 3 mo.
A lot of rambling, but just wanted to highlight a couple funds that may well end up being decent diversifiers. Still not sure I would buy it if I could, ironically, neither fund is available to me through my TRP account.
Anybody started to trim any of their bond funds back? I'm planning to build up from a small position in ARLSX (long-short); overall its returns since I've owned it have fallen between stocks and bonds, and on the days when both take it in the shorts, it's been the only green anywhere in my holdings ... at the moment, at least, it looks like a real diversifier.
What is your diversifier on a down US equity day... I finally found a use for a long-short fund, ARLSX in this case, on days like these last few when most stocks and most bonds are down. It's up reasonably in the last week, while all my other funds are down. I still have a core bond fund that would normally be less correlated with stocks, but of course that's not happening right now.
Fixed Income Where are you investing now? Isn't cash a guaranteed source of negative alpha? So, only minimum amount of cash in my portfolio. I'm 40% fixed income (multi-sector bonds...BOND, RNSIX, MAINX, FOCIX, DODIX), 30% risk parity/mod allocation (AQRIX, DODBX, ARLSX), 30% long equities (FAAFX, SIGIX, DODGX, BAC, ARIVX, FAIRX, BRK.B, GE, COP).
my plus side funds this week Lots of good funds listed in this post, seems to me, but some can be very volatile.
Below is tabulation with emphasis on lifetime downside and drawdown performance. I broke into older and younger bunches, so not direct comparison over same period, just trying to get feel for up versus down.
First the older bunch, all living through 2008, sorted by Martin Ratio:
Next, younger bunch, from 2009, sorted by Sortino ratio (since we've basically not had much in way of drawdowns):
PONDX amazing of course. BPLEX, MAPIX, PRHSX, MACSX all have strong returns and good downside protection. Investor is right about extreme ER for Robeco's LS fund...high even for this already high category. I added WBLFX, which David
profiled this month...a tale of two funds.
See that PETDX was basically left for dead in 2009 with Max Drawdown MaxDD of -73%. I for one could probably not tolerate such a decline, even if it was "only" on paper. Ditto for MAPTX and PRNHX.
Please beware of RYOIX. It has the
highest Ulcer Index of any fund on list. Handle with care.
As for the younger funds, MAINX continues to post impressive numbers. So does PGDIX. I added AQRIX,
ARLSX, and COBYX to list.
I let out a sigh thinking about WBMIX. Unless things pick-up next week, April numbers will not look so good. If I remember, Mr. Redleaf has been shorting high yield bonds and he remains bullish financials. More on Whitebox later.