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  • Hi vkt,

    Thanks for doing your "Rare Analysis" and providing your assesment on some of the top rated LCV, LCB, LCG funds. I was wondering how SPECX (ASPIX, ASPZX) might score in your system. I know you explained the process in some detail ... but, quite honestly, I was somewhat challenged in upper level math, in college, and switched my major from engineering to economics.

    Some of the funds that I own I do not expect will score well in your analysis as I own them because of their ability to generate income but still receive some upside due to anticipated appreciation from thier equity components.

    Thanks again for reviewing SPECX for me.
    February 2016
  • Hi vkt,

    Thanks for stopping by and making recent comments on What Are You Buying Selling or Pondering?

    Hope you'll stop by again and express your thinking.

    January 2016