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  • davidrmoran
    what is going on with ionq
    October 2024
  • Crash
    you posted on my wall? What is my "wall?" What did you say?
    July 2022
  • Welcome back. Hope all is well.
    December 2020
  • davidrmoran
    you might want to comment and offer concrete thinking as much as just sweep articles and post like Ted
    June 2020
  • bee
    Thanks for the helpful advice.
    May 2020
  • Hi John. I am concerned about you since you have made no recent post or comments. Are you ok and is there anything that I might share with the board concerning you (or your family)? Take care. Skeet
    April 2020
    • johnN
      Hi sir thank you do much for touching base/input...we are doing well...sorry so busy w work with many folks out covid19 and working long hrs/compressed time. The boards so liberal and one sided not worth arguing nor going there at time. Market do indeed rebounded shapely. Will try to visit later once work situations settle. Thx for your concerns...stay safe sir. Hope you and family safe also. Have you seen they seem to give so many good ideas suggestions with minimal politics issues. Everyone there appears fair minded and you get barred for being too opinionated. Have been lurking there but not much postings
    • johnN
      also got tax audited and just finished revisions w lawyers cpa/mediated w irs that ruled greatly in our favored. Lots stress previously dealing with irs but just finished last wk after 2.5 yrs of hell. They told us we owed 450k. After meetings w cpa lawyers went down to 42k!! For two yrs of auditions..we were extremely busy past 7 8 months
    • johnN
      We are indeed very blessed. We will do many honorable and charity works moving forward. Will not hyperinflation irs issues anymore lol..learnt great deals/mistakes send now much smarter
  • Hi @johnN, You have not posted lately. Are you and your family ok? Skeet
    April 2020
  • John
    You asked "What are your favorite 3 vehicles funds ETF stocks that you keep adding no matter what market is doing"

    I'm retired now so I don't add any more. I base my investments on the market + trends/momo and mostly in bond funds + I trade stocks (mostly funds).
    February 2020
  • --- -- ---- dah
    July 2019
  • Hi johnN,

    Thanks for stopping by recently and making comment in the open thread ... "What are you buying, selling or holding?" It is much appreciated.

    January 2016