Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
And a bit more on the Medicaid situation, from a current report in The New York Times:
Republicans have proposed lowering the federal share of costs for Medicaid expansions, which could reshape the program by gutting one of the Affordable Care Act’…
Catholic school certainly didn't teach anyone to think critically... they did their best to teach me to be a sheep. Fortunately, they failed.
The Jesuits (whom I never encountered) might just be an exception.
@hondo: You have evidently failed to notice that it's your president who is kissing the ass of the communist president. Could you please name a few of the Democrats who are doing the same thing?
All of this is somewhat similar to Schwab's posting of the market value of our Treasury and CD fixed income. It takes a fair amount of time before everything is brought up to speed. Even the internal Schwab accounting goes through different stages o…
My deepest worry is in fact our military. How are they going to respond, and what will they do, when the King orders them to invade Panama, or Greenland, or round up American civilians who Trump doesn't happen to care for?
How ironic that clowns like Hondo and Baseball_Fan accuse the Dems of being "communists". They obviously can't see the real thing when it's their "king".
@msf: I agree with your observations, but it seems to me to be a quibble about labels.
OK: Here in the United States major political and information systems, or at least significant portions of them, were telling the voters that all was OK, but the…
We can quibble about interpretation all that we want to, but it does nothing to change the fact that the government was telling the voters that all was OK, but the voters weren't buying it.
For many months prior to the elections Judy Woodruff of t…
This report in The Guardian validates and reinforces what I stated above:
US aviation sector requests emergency funds after recent alarming crashes
Major aviation groups urge Congress in a joint letter to take action for more air traffic control a…
One final point regarding governmental statistical reporting: such reporting is presumably of value to reflect the real financial environment of the citizens and voters of the United States.
From the recent election results is is evident that those…
@BaluBalu- I have no idea why you are accusing Mark of "abuse".
First of all, he does not "have two threads to discuss the same thing". Mark chose to post his thread in the Off-Topic section, and because I felt that it was of legitimate financial …
"If Republicans were truly concerned about the deficit, why would they pursue extension and expansion of Trump's expiring 2017 tax law? "
Because they are lying SOB's ?
A pox on all of you guys.
The proposition that the government economic statistics (presumed valid as far as what they are measuring) are not accurately reporting useful information as to what is going on in the real world of the real voter seems to…
@Mona- thank you very much. I do try to be careful when I'm writing. My air traffic control experience really taught me the importance of communicating clearly and unambiguously.
The funny part is that I was never much of a student, due to lazines…
A couple of times fifty years ago I managed a walk-through in the "basement" of Oakland Center, the en-route ATC facility where I was stationed. Having had a background from the Coast Guard as an electronics tech I was fascinated by the immense amou…
With respects to JD_co's link (above) I'd bet a fairly large amount of money that 90% of our fellow citizens who voted for and approve of the current administration have not the slightest idea of what the Third Reich was, what it stood for, what it …
No one is forced to visit the Off-Topic section... it was deliberately designed that way.
Yet, as habsui points out, some aspects of political "leadership" are welded to the financial fortunes of all Americans. Sometimes it's a close call.
Altimeter in Black Hawk helicopter may have malfunctioned before DCA mid-air collision
Following are edited excerpts from a current NPR report:
Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board gave their first on-camera briefing in almos…